My Pop
by Alaina

This is a web page for my Pop.  He is a very special man and I love him a lot.  He just had a birthday and I thought that he would like a web page dedicated to us to help celebrate his special day.  I hope you enjoy it!!!

This is the first time I ever met my Pop.  I was 20 minutes old.  I was a little dazed, but he seemed like a nice enough man and I really liked his fuzzy hair.

My Pop was really happy when I was born.  He had to wait a long time to be a Pop and he was very excited to meet me.

This is my Pop and my Nana.  They used to stare at me all the time when I was a baby.  Now they have to run to catch me.

This is me and my Pop and my Auntie Amy.  She use to be the baby of the family, but not anymore. 

My Nana thinks that Pop and I look a lot alike.  I am not so sure.  Nana and Pop took good care of me at my Aunt Tina's wedding so my Mommy and Daddy could have fun.

My Pop and I do a lot of fun things together...

Pop likes to give me baths, but sometimes he plays with all the toys.

My Pop loves to read books and he lets me turn all the pages.

My Pop showed me how to open my mouth really wide to eat my lunch.

My Pop watched me for a long time before he learned how to take naps like me...

Pop showed me how to use the remote to change the channels every three seconds.

My Pop is a very silly guy.  He loves to make me laugh and giggle.  I just think he is the best.

This is my Mommy's favorite picture of us, so we are adding it to the end and the beginning of this web page...please note the book title.

I hope you have liked the page about my Pop.  He is a very special guy and I love him A LOT!!!


Click on my picture to get back to the main page.