4th and 5th Grade Student Research Resources


Great Reference Resources

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Dictionaries   -list of dictionaries in many languages
Word Central  student dictionary and more word fun
WordNet  find definitions or words that are the same or opposite
Computer Dictionary   - handy sources to help you keep up-to-date
Word for the Wise  Learn about the origins of words and phrases from scripts of this radio show.
Roget's Thesaurus   - the on-line version of the great one
Merriam-Webster Thesaurus  another good tool
The Heteronym Page  Check out this great list
Quotations Page   - varied sources and topics
Britannica   - interesting links make this a good choice
Encyclopedia Smithsonian   - great information
Encyclopedia Astronautica   - the most complete reference of its kind
My Facts page   - a virtual facts on file page
Information Please   - the searchable almanac is on line
Information Please for Kids   - great information but easier to use
Old Farmer's Almanac   - handy information about so many things
How Stuff Works  fascination information about technology and more


Adventures in Citizenship  a great overview of history and interesting things to learn on your own
Library of Congress Exhibitions   - the very best of the library
Presidents and First Ladies   - good information
US FederalGovernment   - great information from the Internet Public library
Afro_American Almanac  from slave times until the present
Newsmaker Bios  Information from ABC News
Biography  from Infoplease on-line
Biography.com   - 20,000 entries
Notable Citizens of Planet Earth   - brief biographical information
Biographical Dictionary   - when you need just a little
Invention Dimension   - great inventors featured here
Historical Atlas of the 1900"s - super visual presentation
Kids Fact Finder - information from the US Census
National Atlas of the United States  a wealth of information from the US Geological Survey
US Gazetteer   - all the census information and maps too
Autopilot   - travel maps on demand.
Today in History  Find out what went on on this or any date in the past.
The Theoi Project   Lots of information about the Greek and Roman gods and more


World Time Zone Map with Current Time  good visual way to compare
Time Zone Converter - Find out what time it is almost anywhere in the world.
US Naval Observatory Master Clock   - "the" time source
Time Ticker  check out what time it is in any time zone
The Secrets of Making Money  learn lots about US currency bills
Knots - great animated instruction on how to tie many.


On-line Lessons  many different tutorials for Corel and Microsoft products
On-line Technology Tutorials  There are tutorials on making a web page, using office suite type products, using art programs and more.
Microsoft Word Tutorial  for Word 97
Excel Resources  soemthing for everybody
Creating A Web Page in Word 97  Basic information
Creating Web Pages with Microsoft Word  created for a school district
Power Point Tutorial  takes you step by step


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