Ideas for Working with Marginalized People

Earth from Apollo
NASA photo of Earth
taken from Apollo








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Adult Bullying - a problem of relational violence
"The practice of adult bullying has come to be recognised as an epidemic of violence in our society, and may represent the number one relational dysfunction found in society today."

Anti-Bullying Network
"We hope that people outside Scotland find this website useful, but please note that the Network only deals with bullying in school - and its consequences."

Bully OnLine
"The focus of this site is bullying in the workplace although much is relevant to other forms of bullying, harassment, discrimination, abuse, violence, etc, including child abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, etc."

Cultural Competence

The National Center for Cultural Competence
"The mission of the National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC) is to increase the capacity of health and mental health programs to design, implement, and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems."

Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice
"Cultural competency emphasizes the idea of effectively operating in different cultural contexts."

Diversity Awareness

Applying the Step Forward Activity to EFL Contexts
"The paper begins by highlighting four concepts underlying many experiential activities designed to strengthen diversity awareness: positioning, marginalization, identifying, and coming out."

Social problems

Working on Social Problems

Web Accessibility

Web Accessibility Initiative

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This is an individual initiative, not sponsored by any Baha'i institution or agency.

Created October 2003 by Jim Habegger.
Last updated November 2006.
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