It is a sad thing to have to put this page up, even! I am still trying to build this site and, yet, people get so anal retentive over their graphics credits! I understand how important it is to give credit where it is due, but, I only have as many hours a day as any one else to work and get things done, but, if I miss a graphic credit, it was not intentional! I will have all the links to the rightful owners up as soon as I can, just please, be patient and do not send me flames branding me a thief! Thank you For more information on Bandwidth Theft and The 11th Commandment please refer to the links provided below. To become a Web Guard member I have provided that link, as well! I am a member in good standing, mind you! There is, also, an E-mail link provided, below, for any ideas, graphics credits, or just to say "Howdo"! =) Now, that I got that nasty bit of poo-poo out of the way, Please feel free to browse to your hearts content at Christmas Corners Revisited! There are many things to see and do here, I am sure you will find something that will interest you, if not, just e-mail me your idea! I want to make this Christmas site warm, inviting and very friendly, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Now, run along and be sure to bookmark, as things are rapidly changing daily! Happy Holidays, everybody! Millenia "The Millenium Elf" =)
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