Wanlu and the Gang

Name: Nicolo

Breed: Phil-Am (*POYNER)

Age: 6 years old

Likes and Dislikes: Likes to say hello to the Yayas :)

Hi everyone, My name is Nicolo. I love playing tricks on Tito Wanlu...I'm only six years old but Tito Wanlu tells everyone that I'm a bright boy and I agree, ahhh what's a bright boy?!?

By the way, Im half American and half Pinoy. My dad is from Missouri and my mom is from Surigao. I'll see y'all real soon...hopefully in your next party.

Name: Baby Brian (*AXTELL)

Likes and Dislikes: He hates it when I sing...I don't know why...

Waaaa Waaaa Waaaaaaaaa!!! Don't sing Tito Wanlu...Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! :)

Name: Gonzo

Breed: Orangutan (*AXTELL)

Birthday: August 24

Favorite Movie: Planet of the Apes

Likes and Dislikes: Likes playing a trick on Wanlu and hates it when he doesn't get away with it.

Hello, my name is GONZO. I'm an orangutan...I love performing with Wanlu. I can do a little magic like making a ball disappear but my favorite trick is making a banana vanish...in my mouth :)

I'll see you soon in your party...tell your friends about me.

Name: Santiago

Breed: Parrot (*AXTELL)

Likes and Dislikes: Likes to make fun of Gonzo and hates it when he is asked to sing in a party...

Hello, I'm Santiago...I'm a parrot. I love walking around with Wanlu during special events and parties.

Name: Amorsolo

Breed: Turtle (*AXTELL)

Likes and Dislikes:Hates it when he forgets his name and when people call him Lolo Turtle

Ahhh Helloooo! My name is Amorsolo, Im a Ninja Turtle, no wait, that's not right, anyway,I'm a magical turtle... I like doing magic tricks and I would love to show you my magic soon :)

Name: Instant Puppet

Breed: Half Man-Half Puppet

Likes: I like girls... I like girls... I like girls...He he he

This is the part of the show when I get the birthday dad or a boy to be my Instant Puppet...

Name: Big Baby

Breed: Bionic Baby (*AXTELL)

Likes and Dislikes: Likes to cry, cry and cry...he only stops crying if you give him a nice toy.

Waaaah. Waaaah, I want toooooys!!! Give me toys!!! Waaaah!!! Waaaaah, mama feed me!!!

Name: Human Mascots

Breed: Half Men-Half Mascots

Kids love their dads...in this part of the show, they talk funny and they dance like mascots :)


Click links below to watch some amateur videos taken by my 8 yr old son...

Watch Video Clips of The Gang


VIDEO CLIP:Wanlu with Gonzo at Axtell Expresions...

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