i have a lot of friends (offline and online) and they mean a lot to me so i thought i would dedicate a page to them. on this page i put down my good friends and pictures on some of them. thank you all for being my friends!

note: i am still working on this page, so there is many people left that need to be added.

Jill Gilliand (offline) - my best friend, jill is so great. click on her name to see a picture of her and I. i have known jill for about a year and we have been best friends since the moment we met. she is so awesome, i love her a lot! we made a friendship promise last year on december 10th to be friends forever no matter what happens! Jill, you are the GREATEST!

Becky Wilson (offline) - becky is my other best friend. i have known her since i was six when we met in first grade. we have done everything together our whole lives and i don't know what i would do with out her. she's just totally great to have as a friend!!

Brianne Beard (offline) - brianne is 17 and i have known her for almost a year. we are very close friends and she comes over a lot and she is a blast to be around. i am so glad that i met brianne this year because she is one of the most fun people i know and also a good role model because i want to be just like her!

Danae Proctor (offline) - danae has one of the coolest personalities in the world. she is always hyper and you never see her in a bad mood. i like being around her because she is always making me laugh! she is also a great person to tan with because we both love to tan and we both love pigging out on junkfood and we love cheese dip!!

Sarah Barnes (offline) - sarah is so shy, but around her friends she is actually really talkative. she has a really quiet voice though. sarah is really, super nice though so i am glad to have her as a friend.

Katie M. (online) - katie is one of my best online friends. i don't get to talk to her that much, but when i do she is the greatest friend to have. she also has a kickin' homepage!

Julie B. (online) - i have known julie for like year and we are like best friends. she is so sweet and fun to talk to, and she just rocks! we are always talking to each other on AIM. he he! Julie, you totally rock to have as a friend!

Leah Thompson (online) - I have known Leah forever it seems like. I met her 2 years ago threw a pen-pal service, and we immediatly became best friends. she is so fun, and we have everything in common. leah is my faraway best friend for life! =)

Misty (online) - i have known misty for only a short period of time. she's great though, and we talk all the time and e-mail each other a lot too. we also write threw mail! we have tons in common, and she rules!

Amanda Henson (offline) - amanda is a cool friend of mine. she's so fun to be around because she is so funny and we have a lot in common. her dream is to become a model, and i think someday her dream will come true. go amanda!!

Colette Meek (online) - colette is such a sweetie because she helped me so much on helping me get started with this new homepage of mine. she helped me learn how to make graphics and everything. colette is an awesome friend!!

Christine Smith (offline) - christine is so cool!! she is my weight partner. we are both trying to loose weight together and we encourage each other and it's fun having some one there to help you. christine is a fun person to hang out with and we have tons in common!

Breanna C. (online) - Breanna is one of my great pen-pals! I have known her for almost 2 years. I haven't heard from her for a long time though, but I hope I hear from her soon. She loves track and is sooooo good at! she also writes the most awesome snail mail letters on earth!

Crystal Skillman (online) - Crystal is a sweetie! we write to each other threw snail mail and e-mail! She lives in North Carolina and is so fun to talk to. We have tons in common and both of us collect beanie babies! you are awesome crystal!!

Jenny Heath (online) - Jenny used to live in the same town as me and we were BEST friends. she moved away in 5th grade though and now lives in California. She's so cool though and i love writing to her and give each other updates on our lives. I am so glad I have Jenny as a friend.

Taylor Shanese (offline) - Taylor is my twin and we are really close. We've known each other for about two years and she's the greatest friend on earth!

Crystal Fowler (offline) - Crystal is pretty cool friend even though I don't know her too well. I think she's a big flirt though, but she's fun to be around. =)
