Welcome to Tanglewood 2002!

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Tanglewood 2002 (Tanglewood v.2k.1d) is an updated version of Tanglewood 2001, (kinda maybe?) with cooler backrounds and neato layout. What is Tanglewood Defenders? Tanglewood Defenders is a Redwall site for kids 'n' teens! Though it's fun for adults too!(I hope . .) This club was started by two teens who called their characters Aco & Onyx, in the year of 1997, they ran the page with much success and continued to run it until the ending of the year of 1998. By then, they had lost their intrest in running Tanglewood, (Actually, they got bitten by the Anime bug) but did not want it to go to waste. So they handed it to a friend, who ran Bogwallow, (without success) and was closing Bogwallow down. That person was Vixenn, who is very happy with running Tanglewood, she often claims that she is going to retire, but, it's bark, no bite. Vixenn is a hyper-active teen with ADD, so she often works her rear off in running Tanglewood, though none of this would be possible without her closest friend, whom will just be named as the "Secretary" (a.k.a. the T.S. or the Tanglewood Secretary). This person managed to get the frames, and many other cool technological things! * We cleaned out a number of the members in the Riverside Hall, if you are missing and wish to reactivate your character, please e-mail Lady Vixenn!*

What's this all about? This is a Redwall Club, based on the Redwall Series by Brian Jacques. This is site is for all ages, and profane language is not allowed.

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Questions? Comments? Criticisms? Please e-mail Vixenn!
This site is copyright Katya Enterprizes 1997 - 2001. All Rights Reserved.


We love you, Persia!!