My Chicks

My new chicks were hatched on March 14, 1999.
We got one dozen pullets: Six Araucanas, two Light Brahmas,
one Golden Lace Wyandotte, one Black Australorp, one
New Hampshire Red, and one Buff Orpington...

Purchased from: Phyllis Johnsen's Farm & Country Store in Elburn IL.

Here is a Light Brahma, see her fuzzy legs...

Sniff, Sniff, Sniff...

The Lazy-J Welcome Wagon

No, not the cat in the hat.

Day 6 at chick castle

Day 8

Day 12

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Chicks first day outside

Day 35

First day in the big cage.

Note the red heat lamp.

The one standing on the branch is an Araucana.
Outside - Day 42

Light Brahma Chick Day 42
Learning how to dance.
Note the leg feathers.

Day 50

More days to come...

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