What's New:

Hey all, webpage updates are definitely not happening, but I did sit down and get all the stuff to start using my livejournal=)
Anyway, that's all for now, Finals are coming up and I'm seriously in need of some studying=)
Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday to my best friend Brittanie! ^^

Hey all=) Just want to say I'm still alive and that I plan to update the webpage or maybe my livejournal account or something...someday;o) I'm just totally caught up in classes and midterms here at Caltech(I seem to have twice as many as most other people because I'm crazy like that). And I'm only a P/F Frosh! I'm going to die in a few terms once we go on grades *sigh* Well, college life is fun=) And hey, Caltech got rated #17 best college for women to go to or something by Seventeen magazine=) Heehee=) Well, I have to say, after you knock away the glommers, having the ratio in your favor can be a nice thing=)
Ok, hopefully more stuff done after midterms...but maybe not=) LOTR:TT is coming out soon - I might spend all my free time watching that;o)

Heh - you can notice by the last update that it's been a long time since I've been free=) But now it's summer, so I should have free time=) (Until I get my summer job lined up, that is)
Soo...what's been happening since January... Well, in February there was Mock Trial - we came in 2nd in the county..by 8 points supposedly (out of several hundred...so probably a percentage point or less) But I will never know since Horvath decided to throw out our scores without looking at them *glare* Ok, I'm sure you were right that it was better at that time, Horvath - but really! I want to know! =P
And then came many trips... Band tour to Disneyland ^ ^ Choir Tour to New York City =) College visits to Caltech and MIT. Odyssey of the Mind World Finals in Boulder, Colorado. And we won OM Worlds, too!! AAhhhhhhh!!!! Yayayay=) What a great way to end off 10 years of being a team=) *sniffle* I miss you guys already :~) Man, we definitely must get together next year over e-mails or something and do a Div IV team!! Meet during spring break and go to Worlds=) not like we ever got anything accomplished at meetings until the weekend before, anyway=)
As for the college choice...I was basically choosing between UC Berkeley, Caltech and MIT. I eventually chose Caltech=) Berkeley was just a little too close (and a little too big) and I couldn't click with MIT weather (snow). And the people at Caltech were really nice, too=)
After that, came AP tests, finals, final projects and research papers in the AP classes, and graduation!!! *sigh* I play in the band at 3 graduations, undergoing painfully long performances of Pomp and Circumstance... and what do I get for my graduation?!? No band cheering section, that's what! And some bad recorded music instead=( Chief, if my soon to be senior brother even gets a band next year (thus making us the only class to miss out) I shall be very put out ;P
Well, now it's summer and I'm 18 and nothing feels any different... except for the fact that for like the first time in forever I'm not taking summer classes=) So I actually have free time=) Scheduled such because I promised my mom I'd hang out here the summer before I left for college (and because I know I will not get a chance to sleep or relax at Caltech). Oh yeah! Speaking of my mom... she finally got the transplant she's been waiting for so she's feeling great now=) She can't go out for a while cuz of the immunosuppressants, but hopefully sometime soon we can go have some girl time together and go shopping in the city or something=)
Anyway, about the webpage. The Anime Trading section has been kept up to date, and the Fan Art section got updated now that I got all my stuff back from Art class and could scan stuff and upload it=) Someday I will complete everything else - I have plans all laid out in my head - now if only I was good with making those graphics in my head come to reality *sigh* And the will to sit down and type out all that content I've been meaning to put on... Well...I've got a whole 2 months ahead of me..we'll see=)

Happy New Year!
Okay, I apologize for being negligent about updating the site this past year=) I'll definitely be updating this year - but last year was just pretty hectic=)
I wish I had time to fully tell ya what's been going on...but I still have one more college application to go...=) That's pretty much why I haven't done a thing=) On top of all the normal work of classes and extracurricular activities, I've had to do college searching and applications! Wow! What a lot of work!
Oh speaking of working on websites - we did the Rotary Business Achievement contest again this year. Here's the website we designed.
If you're someone who has been wanting to trade anime with me, I apologize for putting everyone off so much longer than I had anticipated, but I should have free time now to pick those back up again=)
Hrm...I have so many things I've been wanting to do with the site that have been building up over the year...now that the rest of Senior year is going to be more relaxed (although I'm still taking 8 classes and hard ones, too..soo maybe not;)) I should have time to update things=) Well, after I finish my last application today, I should have time to attend to all the things I've been neglecting=)

Hrm...I really haven't been making progress on this website, eh? I thought my Senior year would be easier than this;) All my friends who were Seniors last year said they didn't really do anything intheir classes...maybe I just had some slacker friends;) Because I seem to be working just about as hard as I have been for my previous 3 years of high school=)
Ah well, Anime Trade and assorted pages have been being updated as usual. Oh, I finished some art stuff, which I gotta get time to scan in - I'm in a real art class at school now instead of just random undirected drawing on my own like usual=) So, I should be churning out more picutres=) Those should end up ostly being posted on my elfwood site, though=) Although, looks like Elfwood's down right now... what happened to it? Someone let me know when it comes back up=)
AP Bio, AP Lit, AP Gov, and AP Euro Hist are starting to pile up the work on top of all the clubs and Marching Band and other afterschool activities I'm still doing=) How am I going to find time to do college paps? Ahh!=) Well, did my NMST app and that wasn't fun either, and i'm sure college apps are *way* more involved than that thing... *sigh*. Well, I hope after December, things will be cool=)
Btw, if you live somewhat near me and want Entertainment Books... (and aren't in the band or choir programs at school anwyay;)), lemme know! We're just starting up the selling of the things=) They've dropped the big books to $30 this year=) (We aren't selling the little books anymore) Anyway, you can get some great savings and you can also help support my band and choir programs and tours=)
*sigh* So many great ideas for page layouts...and now that we actually have PSP7, I can actually do neat things with graphics=) Now just to find the time to make neat layouts for all my pages....=)
Well, that and finishing all my games... like the Final Fantasy series(I'm still in the middle of FFiiij) and Zelda... yes, I was gone all summer, so I'm still not done with Ocarina of Time;) And I finally bought DX cuz my bro finally upgraded to a GBA=) Where am I going to find time for all this? And then I keep getting calls from my best friend at college who claims she has too much free time....(I wish I were in her shoes!!)
Ok - must stop the late night ramble;) Off to go get work done so I can then later do all that other stuff, too! G'night!=)

Happy Birthday to my little(?) bro Ehong! Hehe - the ?'s there cuz since he's only a year younger than me, and being a guy, he's physically bigger (by like 2 or 3 inches...which I can make up for in heels - ha;)) Anyway, have a great b-day=) Sorry that I'm off taking classes and can't be there to celebrate with ya!

Well, Elfwood's back up! Yay=) If you're wondering what it is, it's a bunch of amateur art and writing on the web. I added a link on the index page to my art. Make sure to explore everyone else's stuff, too! Even though it's amateurs, there are bunches of other people out there in the woods that have totally amazing stuff!
Edited my about me page slightly to reflect new interests=)
Anyway, so much for getting any stuff done here over the summer=) I'm deeply engrossed in the work from my summer classes...Finals are in a week and a half! Ahhh! Where has the time gone??? Then it's band camp for a week and I start school! Must hurry and finish summer reading for AP classes before school starts! (Must *start* the summer reading, actually;))

Happy Birthday to me!!! I'm 17=) Joy.

Fourth of July parade was tiring, but fun=)
I uploaded a new picture on my Anime Art Page.
Anime Trade and Streamload Page and accompanying pages are all updated=)

Okay, just another check in I guess=)
I moved into Stanford last week, and have been trying out a lot of cool classes=) But, now I've got so much work to do! *sigh* Oh well, I'm having fun:o)
I have some pictures to upload, but there's no scanner here... I'll be visiting home for the Fourth of July, so I suppose I will do some updates that day=) Wow! Some real progress on my pages!;)
For now, my Anime Trade page is still being kept up to date=)

Well, not really a webpage update - just letting people know I'm here and alive...just really busy:o)
Hmm...it's been 3 months? Ahhh! Hehe... okay...lesse...
Well, I had spring break and choir tour which were fun=)
Then came April with tons of AP cramming... (I had 6 AP tests...I'm insane;))
May came...I think I survived all the AP tests... kinda;) On top of that, I had choir and band concerts to prepare for, fun=)
Then I got my wisdom teeth out and looked like a chubby bunny for a few weeks=) Got my braces in the following week after that, too... Couldn't chew for a few weeks...
Well, then it was June and life finally was starting to be okay... only to see finals popping up again...ugh..
Well, finals are over tomorrow=) Yay! End of the next week, I'm heading off for summer classes at Stanford... but hopefully I'll have time there to do lots of fun stuff (yay for hi-speed university internet connection!!)
Okay, well, the anime trading page of course is updated...that's about it... Hopefully more, soon, though!

Back to my main page!