NinjawitchCAM Banner Logo
Ninjawitch Mantle Picture

The website which you are about to enter on to is a web site designed and intended SOLELY for FUN -- it is intended to be seen by anyone of ANY age -- or who are interested in having access to visual images, verbal description and/or audio sounds of myself.

The materials which are available within this site, and in the visuals may include anything from my pets hamming it up, to the camera aimed at television, to me sleeping or sitting at the computer, eatting, reading, or even playing a computer game, working on the webpage, or the occasional practicing of my Wiccan faith or the probable sighting of Wiccan statues, tools of my faith, spiritual or female oriented art work/ posters or tarot cards laying about, or maybe even my practicing and exercising the high mental virtues of honour and discipline of ninjitsu and bushido, or simply the cam might just be pointed out my window at the sun setting, or it most likely generally be pointed elsewheres around my home.

This is NOT an adult site nor a sex site! - You will NOT not see any nudity on here, though you might see me without a shirt on at times, but should it be too hot and humid here, then the cam will be turned off to minimize the risk of any person seeing me in any other lesser form of undress.

WARNING: If you are of a religious faith (Example: Catholism or Christianity) or hold personal beliefs which are intolerant, sensitive or maybe even mentally or maliciously aggressive to that of my own faith, or equally might be harmed in any way of seeing me meditating on camera in my ninja uniform or insulted should you see me with my swords in rutual, or my athame in mediation in service to my Lord and Lady, then please feel free to use your browser's back button, or the link below provided below, to reverse your course and direction so that you will not possibly be offended, IF you are NOT at all concerned about anyone practicing their faith, be it more or less a witch and/or ninja/samurai and yet still wish to see my cam shots, then please feel free to continue on reading and ultimately make a final decision.

By clicking"ENTER" below you are allowing yourself the manual progression and access to my webcam site, and thus take the full responsibility, understanding and acknowledgement that you wish to continue to enter the webcam site:

(Link Not Yet Active)

If you wish to return back to my home page then press this alternate link:


Where ever you see this symbol on my pages it represents the
this is a serious cause that I stand up for


Special thanks to the composer of this midi file Nightbird and to the 90's songstress DIDO
for this song "Thank You"
which you are hearing to in the background
(That is IF you have speakers connected)


ALL web site contents, concept and design Copyright — 1998, 2005
by Terry Haehnel
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Duplication and distribution prohibited