Welcome to

Mom's Room!

Why hello there! I wasn't expecting any company right at this moment...in fact, i was just getting ready to cuddle up with a warm cup of cappuccino and a good romance novel. Oh but don't get me wrong, I am glad you're here. Stay and visit for awhile and have a look around!

Well, it's Valentine's Day!!...so I thought I'd redecorate my room a bit, you know to make it a little bit more Valentiny.Hope you enjoy the new decor! :o)

Ahh....and here's where I work on my papers for school or when I am updating the birthday page of the MouseClub.If you have a mouse who would like to join just click here and go check it out! I am just about to have a snack...care to join me?

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed your stay! Come back soon!!

~Twins Room~
~Jaide's Room~
~Jordan's Room~
~Lunah's Mystical Forest~
~AngelPixie's Enchanted Realm~
~Pixie's Nursery~
~Angel's Room~
~Hyacinthe's Room~
~Mia's Room~
~Nanny's Room~
~Pixie's Birthday~
~GLFS Page~
~AngelPixie's Webrings Page~

Last updated: February 15, 1999.

Copyright (c) May 21, 1998 by AngelFae. Please do not take my mouse mommie or the graphics. To get your own, click on the above logos. The background image and midi is copyrighted by Mickifan's Clipart and Backgrounds.

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