Erin Wins 3rd Place During Sports Week

Erin has been going to Summer Rec-Pac while she has been at Daddy's house in Virginia. It is a day camp sponsored by the County's Park Authority Program, which is very similar to local YMCA's.
Her leaders names are Miss Carolee, Miss Jane, Miss Aimee, and Mr. Matt. She likes going to Rec-Pac. Erin's new best friend at Rec-Pac is Laureen. They are in the same grade.
At Rec-Pac they do different activities. They play games, do arts and crafts activities, sing songs and a bunch of other things.
July 6-10, 1998 at Rec-Pac was Sports Week. They had  Sports Competitions during the week. They had 3-legged races, 50 yard dash, broad jump, box car races and water balloon toss. The leaders reminded the kids that if you had won!  Erin received an official certificate for participation in the Sports Competitions. She also won a Third Place Ribbon for the box car races. She was very proud of her award.
The week of July 13-17  at Rec-Pac is Oceanic Express Week. They will go on a Treasure Hunt, Play Crab Soccer, Field Trip to Pohick Bay Swimming Pool, and lots of other water activities.  Erin is excited about the Field Trip to go swimming.

Erin places Third Place in the Box Car Races

Summer Rec-Pac Sports Week Motto "If you participate and have fun...You won!". Erin placed Third Place in the Box Car Races. She was very proud of herself.

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