Print out two copies of the page to play "Memory".
Print out four copies of the page to play
"Go Fly".
Cut out the pieces on the blue lines.
To play "Memory" place all the pieces face down in five rows with four pieces in each row. Turn two pieces face up. If they match you have a set. If they do not match turn them face down again. Turn over two new pieces. Do this until you have matched all the pieces. You can play this game by yourself or with a friend. The person who gets the most sets wins.
To play "Go Fly" give seven pieces to each player. Place the other pieces face down on the table so that all the players can reach them. Ask for a piece that you have in your hand. If the other player has it ,he or she must give it to you. If not ,they will tell you to "go fly". You take a piece from the center pile. If you get what you asked for, you get another turn. The player with the most sets of four wins.