The New Peace

Most of you have started to collect the new beanies. But if your a true beanie collector you will be able to find a flaw on one of the tags. Something that you won't find on any other beanie except for the new ones.

The difference is that there is a little red stamp located inside the tush tag. The stamp has the style number of the particular beanie and some writing in cheniese. I wish I could show you a picture of the stamp but unfortunaly I can't.

There are no current beanies except for the new releases that have this stamp. Except for one. and that beanie is Peace. They put a stamp on every fifth generation Peace. We are not sure of the reason for that.

TY also transformed Peace's 5th generation look. If you have been going around and checking out Peace at different stores. You will notice a slight difference in his fabric.

Here is a picture of the old Peace (4th generation)(unfortunatly we don't have a picture of the 5th generation) But can you tell the difference?

The new Peace has pastel colors instead of dark colors. He may look much prettier but don't be fooled. This fifth generation Peace is only worth $20 (thats why the prices have decreased when it comes to Peace) Unlike the fourth generation Peace which has been discontinued and soon should be worth a lot.