Welcome! The purpose of this page is to provide you with an easier way to view information about and print pictures of the new Beanie Babies and Buddies most recently announced by Ty, Inc.
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If there are any Beanies you need, please click here and check out what we have available for sale from our own private collection!

SpecklesThe Summer Announcements:
On June 24, at a trade show in Dallas, 11 new Beanie Babies and 21 new Beanie Buddies (of various sizes) were unveiled. Pictures of these Beanie Babies weren't posted on Ty's site until July 7; Buddy pictures were put up on July 11. On July 8, thirteen new Beanie Babies were shown to retailers at the Atlanta trade show. Their names and pictures aren't available yet, but as soon as they are, we'll post them on this page.

Ty also opened up for business — and then on July 6 it was closed "because of high volume." It's to be a new online offering for collectors to buy and sell from each other, plus a lot more. After registering at TyTrade, you're eligible to order up to two of the first Beanie sold by Ty only online at TyTrade: Speckles the e-Beanie Bear. Ty is selling him for $5.00 (plus $3.00 shipping). As the bugs get worked out of TyTrade, it should be a pretty nice service!
Summer 2000 Beanie Babies (68,672 bytes)

Summer 2000 Buddies (87,177 bytes)
To print just the pictures of the above Beanie Babies and Buddies without the rest of the page's content, click on either of the two graphics (Babies and Buddies are two separate pages this time) and hold the mouse button down (Mac users) or right-click (PC users) until a menu pops up. Select "Open this Image" or "View Image" (Netscape) or "Save Target As", "Save Picture As" or "Open Image in New Window" (MSIE), and then print. (Different versions of browsers call this function different things — but the above choices are all the different ones we've heard of.)

If you still need information about previously-released Beanies, you can go to these archived pages:

since 7-1-2000
This page is produced just as a fun project by a Beanie dad in the midwestern U.S. and his daughter and is not affiliated with Ty, Inc. Please click here if you are interested in any of our bargain-basement priced Beanies!