Welcome to my Guestbook!

www.hotmail.com - 10/20/00 07:29:51
My URL:http://expage.franky22funky/com.
My Email:franky_93@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: the tv show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: well it okay
you and me agree on the cutest animorph hunk boris and he is sooooooooooo fine and i love his face too!and please send a reply back soon

helen - 10/16/00 11:53:36
My URL:http://don't have one
My Email:sexychick@madmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: no
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: i like the show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: it's o.k.
i want to see some of the pictures of boris from 'walker, texas ranger' preferably the ones of him not wearing a shirt. but i still think he looks okay in animorphs, but he looks better in walker.

Tamara Jamieson - 10/04/00 04:39:21
My URL:http://atsic-intranet/online/
My Email:tamarajamieson@atsic.gov.au
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: the show is better
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes
hello i wanna that ur website is totaaly radical and my favourite animorph star is Marco(boris cabrera)do you have a favourite? and that is all thank you very much CIAO CIAO........................... SIGNED TAMARA............

JessieCheetah - 08/30/00 18:35:25
My Email:JessieCheetah@aol.com
Do you read animorphs?: Definitely
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: The show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Tobias
Have you been to my other page?: No
Do you like this page?: Oh, yeah
I love the show. I think Boris Cabrera is very funny, and extremely cute. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. Because I'm available.

andria - 08/21/00 02:38:56
My Email:andria54@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): ax, and marco
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes
its a great page

Otown115 - 08/13/00 03:50:22
Do you read animorphs?: YES
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: BOTH
Who's your favorite character (on the show): JAKE AND MARCO
Have you been to my other page?: NO
Do you like this page?: OYAH

hippie - 07/29/00 02:12:49
My Email:lweinberg@superiorcin.com
Do you read animorphs?: totally
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: i don't know
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco
Have you been to my other page?: i don't know
Do you like this page?: yeah
I love Boris sooo much!!!!! He is sooo cute!!!!!

cherry - 07/23/00 21:18:03
My Email:LadyBazil424@aol.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): all
Have you been to my other page?: yes
Do you like this page?: yes

hippie - 07/18/00 01:24:29
My Email:lweinberg@superiorcln.com
Do you read animorphs?: totally
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: i don't know, really
Who's your favorite character (on the show): i like them all
Have you been to my other page?: i don't know
Do you like this page?: yeah
this is so coll!!

Ana - 07/09/00 20:57:59
My Email:anabgu@teleline.es
Do you read animorphs?: YEAH!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: BOOKS!!!!!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): MARCO
Have you been to my other page?: No
Do you like this page?: YES

rdoggsgrrrl - 05/22/00 11:39:50
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/rdoggsgrrrl/UnofficialEvan
My Email:rdoggsgrrrl@webtv.net
Do you read animorphs?: no
Who's your favorite character (on the show): MARCO!!!!!!
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes!!!
marco iz so hott! and u have a great website!!

barbara_melgar - 05/03/00 16:10:41
My URL:hotmail.com
My Email:lovespinkroses@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: Never had
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Boris Cabrera
Have you been to my other page?: Yes
Do you like this page?: Yes
Hi how are you? It has been a long time I have not seen you. Last year I graduated from high school. I'm attending at Santa Monica College and my major is Child Psychology. Are you in college or are you just focussing as an actor? Write to me when yo can. Until then take care.

Meghan/Jinx24 - 04/26/00 04:12:49
My Email:monkeymeg@angelfire.com
Do you read animorphs?: YES!!!!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Leans to both
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Christopher Ralph/Tobias
Have you been to my other page?: no...
Do you like this page?: Cool.
I like this page. Yup.

Uh...Regina, same as my real name - 04/21/00 04:46:41
My Email:oddbambi@AOL.com
Do you read animorphs?: no
Who's your favorite character (on the show): MARCO!!!
Have you been to my other page?: nope
Do you like this page?: s'ok
Thank you so much! Finally, a fan page for Boris Cabrera! He is so cute and so funny. Woohoo, go Bo-ris!

Pascale - 04/20/00 08:15:57
My Email:balcazar_4@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: nope
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: the show rulz
Who's your favorite character (on the show): MARCO yeah baby yeah
Have you been to my other page?: what other page?
Do you like this page?: Yeah its good but it doesn't say much about Boris!
Hey all, Well I just wanna say I think Boris Cabrera is a cutie! I don't know anything about him! :o( So someone ANYONE write to me and fill me in! THANX DARLINGS! :o)

horseshoe61 - 04/14/00 04:17:56
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: both
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco
Have you been to my other page?: yes
Do you like this page?: yes
i really like the books and the show. i know why u guys need each other. why? u need jake to be the leader/serious preson, marco to make silly jokes, cassie because she is intune with nature, tobias to their look out bird/preson & rachael to say "let's kick some yeerk butt!!!" seya, i love u the books/tv show marco/boris

horseshoe61 - 04/14/00 04:17:45
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: both
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco
Have you been to my other page?: yes
Do you like this page?: yes
i really like the books and the show. i know why u guys need each other. why? u need jake to be the leader/serious preson, marco to make silly jokes, cassie because she is intune with nature, tobias to their look out bird/preson & rachael to say "let's kick some yeerk butt!!!" seya, i love u the books/tv show marco/boris

the real alex - 04/06/00 18:25:17
My Email:shattered_alex@hotmail.com or Alex_shattered@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: no
Who's your favorite character (on the show): none
Have you been to my other page?: no
Hey!!! my friend told me about this person who used my name on this web page and im not to happy. Frankly I do know Boris personaly but what that person had to say was not all true if this person is reading this I know who you are so you better stop now!! If anyone knows Boris and I mean personaly not just from what you have read in this web site Email me.

alex/sfhs - 04/02/00 05:03:09
Do you read animorphs?: no
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: its okay
Well boris what can I say you are a good actor but you need work on your friendship skills.You can't tell the diff. from people that are just using you for your money. I know that you might not remember me but I remember you and what you had to say to me n the phone. You still haven't answered my question. Why don't you try to get in touch with me sometime during this week(4-1-00/4-7-00)hint hint you already have my phone#.see ya!!

alex/sfhs - 04/02/00 04:51:20
Do you read animorphs?: no

Mandy - 03/31/00 23:43:19
Do you read animorphs?: no, well once long ago
Have you been to my other page?: yeppers
Do you like this page?: oui bein sur
Hey kiddo!!!!!!!! whats up? umm I was bored outta my mind ( I evan practiced my saxomophone) So I am now spending my time being you full fledged internet stalker!!!! Anyhoo I was at you other page too (I wouldent reccomend checking the guest book!!!!!!! ) Any hoo just real quick, 89/1 WHAT THE F#CK? DUDE ARE YOU SUPERMAN? sO ANYHOO gimme a call we'll do somthin Stalker #1 Mandy

nina - 02/29/00 01:21:07
My Email:nina772277
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): boris
Have you been to my other page?: yeah
Do you like this page?: yes
Well lte me just say one thing, there are some serious haters that signed the guestbook. guess that they have nothing better to do with their time. anyway, i just want to say that you do a really good job on the show! and,like, keep up the good work. (and forgive me if i sound like an airhead, it comes and goes, the prozak is really helping though) just kidding.

nina - 02/29/00 01:05:48

Ashe - 02/04/00 02:21:51
My URL:http://homepages.msn.com/PetsPl/ashe32/mypage
My Email:ashe32@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: *sarcastic*Nah... I just own an Animorph page for no reason at all.
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books. No offense, but I can't relate to the show. It short, I think it sucks. But that's just me.
Who's your favorite character (on the show): I dunno...toss up between Shawn and Boris
Have you been to my other page?: You have another page*genius!*
Do you like this page?: sorta
Don't try my site addie... it doesn't work. Anyways, it's great that you have a fan page for Boris... he needs some credit for playing Marco. A hard role, indeed. -ashe

lauren - 02/03/00 23:39:01
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Rachel Brooke
Have you been to my other page?: Idon't know
Do you like this page?: year.
cool.And I had a look at the other coments.They were mean.So GO BROOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cool9aus - 01/25/00 01:04:48
My URL:http://www.audiotech.com.au(i programme it)
My Email:robertocosmodt@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco
Have you been to my other page?: yes
Do you like this page?: yes
borris, your'e the coolest!!! p.s. pls e-mail me.

Véronique - 01/14/00 01:30:48
My Email:veroonik@globetrotter.qc.ca
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco
Do you like this page?: yes
Your site is very cool! I like this! And, I like Marco and he is very comic! It the fun! I like animorphs it is a very good story! Congratulation! Cool site!

Nick - 12/25/99 00:35:29
My Email:Nickguy@worldnet.att.net
Do you read animorphs?: Yes, and I love 'em!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books. Duh.
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco, duh.
Have you been to my other page?: No, duh.
Do you like this page?: 1/2
The only reason I'm here is because you might like Marco, ON THE BOOKS. But no, you just like BORIS! Hah! He's nothing like Marco. He's just an actor who THINKS he can be Marco. But I tell you one thing, he's no Marco!! Marco would make more jokes an he would talk more. And I thought this was a good page! Hah! You sicken me. Well, tah-tah!

Ewan M - 11/16/99 00:03:09
My URL:http://dreamwater.com/jessie123.com
My Email:wanna have well u cant!
Do you read animorphs?: yah
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: both
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Shawn Ashmore
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: nope
I like u guys but I like Rocket Power better

goldranger7 - 11/06/99 06:58:29
My Email:goldranger7@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: dunno
Who's your favorite character (on the show): you're all cool
Have you been to my other page?: not yet
Do you like this page?: yeah
i think Marco is a very important part.someone has to have humor.plus, that visser one thang. and someone had to be jakes best friend.see what i mean.

Zetts - 10/14/99 01:37:42
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Cassie
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes

Bonne - 10/04/99 09:39:34
My Email:debbyron@dove.com.au
Do you read animorphs?: Yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco
Have you been to my other page?: No
Do you like this page?: Yes
Your website is so cool!!Itis the coolest website I've seen so far.

suck it boris! - 09/19/99 00:30:04
My URL:http://ssssss
My Email:tutu
Do you read animorphs?: no
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: none
Who's your favorite character (on the show): nobody
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: no it sucks
get a life you stink!!!!

Brooke S. - 09/07/99 00:51:56
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/brookenevinspage
My Email:Bcn122282@aol.com
Do you read animorphs?: Yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Rachel
Have you been to my other page?: umm, the Nadia one? Is that yours, even...?
Do you like this page?: Oh, yeah, it's great!
I luv the page! I luv Boris, too! Visit my page please!

maddog - 08/25/99 06:30:58
My URL:http://none.com
My Email:darth_mel28@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books but the show has christopher ralph in it.
Who's your favorite character (on the show): tobias
Have you been to my other page?: no? what is it?
Do you like this page?: hmmm?
u need 2 have some chris in it! but it's ok.hmmmm hey! tobias on the books is pretty good lookin 2!

arctichare1 - 08/18/99 04:54:02
My Email:arctichare1@excite.com
Do you read animorphs?: Yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco
Have you been to my other page?: Yes
Do you like this page?: Yes
Very Cool!

tamirose - 08/17/99 01:00:12
My Email:tamirose@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes. i have more than 14
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: the show is great but on tv it comes on late during the week on cable, reading makes you less lazy
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco. "That's insane"
Have you been to my other page?: not yet
Do you like this page?: yes
This is a great page and i enjoy seeing you on tv. I would like to see you in real life but i live too far away.

Jake - 08/11/99 02:35:27
My URL:http://geocities.yahoo.com/heartland/creek/3609/Jakeman2228.html
My Email:bart767@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: duh
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): brooke
Have you been to my other page?: duh
Do you like this page?: duh
tour cool1

ronnie - 08/10/99 19:05:01
My URL:http://www.nsync.com
My Email:killerbananaclub@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: no
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco, jake and tobias
Have you been to my other page?: i think so
Do you like this page?: yeah
boris, jake and tobias are soo hot!

Jesswess - 07/24/99 03:17:23
My URL:http://Jesswess.com
My Email:nope you can't have it
Do you read animorphs?: yep
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): I don't know
Have you been to my other page?: nope
Do you like this page?: not really
I dont have any comments Okay!

JcRae - 07/24/99 03:13:33
My Email:I'm not giving it to you!
Do you read animorphs?: no
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: none
Who's your favorite character (on the show): nobody
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: no
I don't like Animorphs they stink how can 5 kids turn into animals that is so stupid I mean What Kind of show is that I think that blond girl on there should be taken off the show I mean she is so stupid I dont think anyone else likes her!

Jessie/Katie.com - 07/22/99 20:02:39
My Email:no you cant have it
Do you read animorphs?: Yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Tobias
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: no
I want to say hi to all the animorphs fans and my best friend Katie Lock

Jessie C - 07/22/99 19:57:12
My Email:No way you can't have it!
Do you read animorphs?: yah
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Shawn
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: no
Animorphs is cool I like book #30 and I want to say hi to Katie L!!!

Obi-wan - 07/22/99 03:27:30
My Email:I'm not giving it to you!
Do you read animorphs?: yah
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: none
Who's your favorite character (on the show): jake (Shawn)
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: no
You guys stink why did they even make an animorphs!

Jake - 07/21/99 23:36:09
My URL:http://geocities.yahoo.com/heartland/creek/3609/Jake2228.html
My Email:bart767@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: Duh!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Brooke Candice Nevin
Have you been to my other page?: no(but i will soon)
Do you like this page?: Duh!
Animorphs rule. The animorph actors and actresses are the best. p.s. Brooke's hot

Jake - 07/08/99 01:39:23
My URL:http://www.lego.com
My Email:bart767@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: Duh!!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: the books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Rachel
Have you been to my other page?: duh!!!
Do you like this page?: duh!!!
This page is cool and stupid at the same time. p.s. i love animorphs p.p.s DUH!!!!

Paul - 07/08/99 01:35:29
My URL:/heartland/farm/4579/podracer.html
My Email:paul1203@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: Yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes
This page rules check out my page.

The KC ;-} - 06/30/99 23:25:22
My URL:http://www.parrett.net/~eds/kc/
My Email:kc@parrett.net
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): tobias
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes
Cool Page! Join my Web Ring HRER!
Animorphs Bubble!

Jaw4j5 - 06/22/99 10:58:32
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: both
Who's your favorite character (on the show): everyone
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes

Mina - 06/12/99 22:52:02
Do you read animorphs?: Yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: BOOKS! THE TV SHOW SUCKS
Who's your favorite character (on the show): If I hafta, Chris. DIE BROOKE DIE!!!
Have you been to my other page?: NO.
Do you like this page?: No.
Boris is an idiot! Homie needs to come back to LA and stop speaking homie/espanol every second!!! Comprende??

Galaxy Dragon - 06/07/99 20:52:40
My Email:sunflowr@ionet.net
Do you read animorphs?: OH YEAH!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: both
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco
Have you been to my other page?: no (sorry)
Do you like this page?: I LOVE IT!
hey you Boris Cabrera fans out there! Is this site not the bomb or what? Boris Cabrera is totally awesome. I love his since of humor! Anyone wanna become Boris Cabrera key pals feel free to e-mail me anytime at the address above or you can icq me at my nu ber 32095064 PEACE Y'ALL!

Meww - 06/07/99 14:09:56
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~borisandmarco
My Email:meww@angelfire.com
Do you read animorphs?: Uh-huh
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: show (that's why I became a fan)
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco
Have you been to my other page?: I think so.
Do you like this page?: Uh-huh.
Hola! Como estas? You've done some good work, girl. We need to work on the UnLimited some more, though. Email me and we'll talk. Well, ciao.

hawkgurl - 06/05/99 03:23:11
My Email:hawkgurl@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: Of Course!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: They're close, but the books are a little better.
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Chris!!!!! He's such a cutie!!!!!!
Have you been to my other page?: Not Yet
Do you like this page?: Yeah, it's nice to see Boris has a page for him too.
Well hon' this page is real kewl and I love all of it, except for that annoying one, I can't remember the name but the honey with the lisp? Who does she think she is?!?! How dare she talk about Boris,Nadia,Brooke,Shawn,and my honey Chris that way! (hey! I can dream can't I? :) My baby ain't gettin ugly, but then again, she can have her own opinion which may be true in some cases. (in her own little world!) Well i gotta go dear, keep up da good work! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hawkgurl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

hawkgurl - 06/05/99 03:23:03
My Email:hawkgurl@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: Of Course!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: They're close, but the books are a little better.
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Chris!!!!! He's such a cutie!!!!!!
Have you been to my other page?: Not Yet
Do you like this page?: Yeah, it's nice to see Boris has a page for him too.
Well hon' this page is real kewl and I love all of it, except for that annoying one, I can't remember the name but the honey with the lisp? Who does she think she is?!?! How dare she talk about Boris,Nadia,Brooke,Shawn,and my honey Chris that way! (hey! I can dream can't I? :) My baby ain't gettin ugly, but then again, she can have her own opinion which may be true in some cases. (in her own little world!) Well i gotta go dear, keep up da good work! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hawkgurl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

hawkgurl - 06/05/99 03:18:24
My Email:hawkgurl@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: Of Course!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: They're close, but the books are a little better.

trix - 06/01/99 05:27:17
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books, i never seen the show yet.
Who's your favorite character (on the show): i'd probably say marco(boris)
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes
good work on the fan page. i hope you would up-date it some more, though

Meeka Poo - 06/01/99 03:26:32
My Email:You Can't Have It! Ha-ha!!!!
Do you read animorphs?: Yes, of course!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books!! The TV show stinks!!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Christopher Ralph--Cuties, but getting ugly!!!
Have you been to my other page?: No.
Do you like this page?: Nope. Plain and simple. Nope.
MY comments? How thoughtful of you! I hate Brooke "The Darling" Nevin, Shawn "The Butt-Munch" A*smore (said with lisp), and Boris "The Homie" Cabera, and I dislike Nadia "The Non-Cassie" Nasimento's acting skills, but all together, they all need to lear to act. **Boris has to get out of his Homie/Espanol voices, comprende brothers and sistas?

Meeka Poo - 06/01/99 03:26:09
My Email:You Can't Have It! Ha-ha!!!!
Do you read animorphs?: Yes, of course!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books!! The TV show stinks!!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Christopher Ralph--Cuties, but getting ugly!!!
Have you been to my other page?: No.
Do you like this page?: Nope. Plain and simple. Nope.
MY comments? How thoughtful of you! I hate Brooke "The Darling" Nevin, Shawn "The Butt-Munch" A*smore (said with lisp), and Boris "The Homie" Cabera, and I dislike Nadia "The Non-Cassie" Nasimento's acting skills, but all together, they all need to lear to act. **Boris has to get out of his Homie/Espanol voices, comprende brothers and sistas?

Meeka Poo - 06/01/99 03:25:00
My Email:You Can't Have It! Ha-ha!!!!
Do you read animorphs?: Yes, of course!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books!! The TV show stinks!!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Christopher Ralph
Have you been to my other page?: No.
Do you like this page?: Nope. Plain and simple. Nope.
MY comments? How thoughtful of you! I hate Brooke "The Darling" Nevin, Shawn "The Butt-Munch" A*smore (said with lisp), and Boris "The Homie" Cabera, and I dislike Nadia "The Non-Cassie" Nasimento's acting skills, but all together, they all need to lear to act. **Boris has to get out of his Homie/Espanol voices, comprende brothers and sistas?

Meeka Poo - 06/01/99 03:24:12
My Email:You Can't Have It! Ha-ha!!!!
Do you read animorphs?: Yes, of course!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books!! The TV show stinks!!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Christopher Ralph
Have you been to my other page?: No.
Do you like this page?: Nope. Plain and simple. Nope.
MY comments? How thoughtful of you! I hate Brooke "The Darling" Nevin, Shawn "The Butt-Munch" A*smore (said with lisp), and Boris "The Homie" Cabera, and I dislike Nadia "The Non-Cassie" Nasimento's acting skills, but all together, they all need to lear to act. **Boris has to get out of his Homie/Espanol speak, comprende?

Meeka Poo - 06/01/99 03:05:15
My Email:You Can't Have It! Ha-ha!!!!
Do you read animorphs?: Yes, of course!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books!! The TV show stinks!!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Christopher Ralph
Have you been to my other page?: No.
Do you like this page?: Nope. Plain and simple.
MY comments? How thoughtful of you! I hate Brooke "The Darling" Nevin, Shawn "The Butt-Munch" A*smore (said with lisp), and Boris "The Homie" Cabera, and I dislike Nadia "The Non-Cassie" Nasimento's acting skills, but all together, they all need to lear to act. **Boris has to get out of his Homie/Espanol speak, comprende?

Meeka Poo - 06/01/99 03:01:45
My Email:You Can't Have It! Ha-ha!!!!
Do you read animorphs?: Yes, of course!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books!! The TV show stinks!!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Christopher Ralph
Have you been to my other page?: No.
Do you like this page?: Nope. Plain and simple.
MY comments? How thoughtful of you! I hate Brooke "The Darling" Nevin, Shawn "The Butt-Munch" A*smore (said with lisp), and Boris "The Homie" Cabera, and I dislike Nadia "The Non-Cassie" Nasimento's acting skills, but all together, they all need to lear to act. **Boris has to get out of his Homie/Espanol speak, comprende?

Meeka Poo - 06/01/99 03:01:33
My Email:You Can't Have It! Ha-ha!!!!
Do you read animorphs?: Yes, of course!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books!! The TV show stinks!!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Christopher Ralph
Have you been to my other page?: No.
Do you like this page?: Nope. Plain and simple.
MY comments? How thoughtful of you! I hate Brooke "The Darling" Nevin, Shawn "The Butt-Munch" A*smore (said with lisp), and Boris "The Homie" Cabera, and I dislike Nadia "The Non-Cassie" Nasimento's acting skills, but all together, they all need to lear to act. **Boris has to get out of his Homie/Espanol speak, comprende?

alexis - 05/24/99 19:18:55
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: the tv show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): boris
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: its okay
i think boris is the best character on there. he is the cutest and is the bomb. thank you, thank you very much!

sarah_996 - 05/18/99 15:53:04
My Email:newsboys_freakette@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: Most definitly YES
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: I like them both the same
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Tobias and MARCO!!!!!
Have you been to my other page?: No
Do you like this page?: YES
I am soooooo glad someone finally made a web site all about Boris ! I really love the show and books Please , will someone E mail me ? I love talking about my fave show , I am also a bolt member raven58 luv Sarah

concord - 05/09/99 05:35:27
My URL:http://hotmail.com
My Email:mrconcord@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: jokes
Who's your favorite character (on the show): all
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes
teach me how 2 make

Horse9104 - 04/25/99 14:30:34
My URL:http://????????????????
My Email:Horse9104@aol.com
Do you read animorphs?: Yes, I read Animorphs
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books: more detail
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Ax!!!!!! He's #1!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you been to my other page?: I'm not sure
Do you like this page?: Yeah, pretty much.
I was wondering if there is an Ax fan page. I am a big fan of that Andalite. Well, actually all Andalites, but.....he's the only one on Earth. E-mail me if there is an Ax fan page!!!!!!!

Cylipso - 04/14/99 01:41:53
My URL:http://expage.com/page/cylipso
My Email:cylipso2@aol.com
Do you read animorphs?: Yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books.
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco, he is cute.
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes

I like to call myself Yam, or Anna works too :) - 04/09/99 00:36:41
My Email:X5Optimist@yahoo.com
Sorry I did clicked that twice (3 times now)

I like to call myself Yam, or Anna works too :) - 04/09/99 00:35:32
My Email:X5Optimist@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: Nope
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: I dunno but probably show (that rhymes!)
Who's your favorite character (on the show): I have a list: #1 is Tobias, then comes Marco, Cassie, Jake and Rachel
Have you been to my other page?: What page? I'll look for it
Do you like this page?: Yuppers
If You don't use Advantage scratch your ears, isn't that the cutest commercial!? Sorry. :þ I'm in a good mood cuz I just found this page and i alrady fpund PAm's CR site so now i have a place to see my two favorite actors. Makes me all warm inside! :) (I have sugar)

I like to call myself Yam, or Anna works too :) - 04/09/99 00:34:48
My Email:X5Optimist@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: Nope
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: I dunno but probably show (that rhymes!)
Who's your favorite character (on the show): I have a list: #1 is Tobias, then comes Marco, Cassie, Jake and Rachel
Have you been to my other page?: What page? I'll look for it
Do you like this page?: Yuppers
If You don't use Advantage scratch your ears, isn't that the cutest commercial!? Sorry. :þ I'm in a good mood cuz I just found this page and i alrady fpund PAm's CR site so now i have a place to see my two favorite actors. Makes me all warm inside! :) (I have sugar)

Silvertiger - 04/02/99 02:51:47
Do you read animorphs?: yes of course!!!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: both
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco/boris
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: Yes
i think boris is #1! i wish i could meet him and michael delorenzo(but i'd probably faint!)

"V" - 03/21/99 23:02:51
My Email:verofla@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: of course
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: the books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): BORIS
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: kinda
It's about time someone made a fan page about him. He's a real hottie. I wish I could meet him, but that is in my dreams. Later.

KareN - 03/10/99 02:56:22
My URL:http://surf.to/youngstarz
My Email:karen@harichandran.com
Do you read animorphs?: no
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: the show's good
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco
Have you been to my other page?: not yet
Do you like this page?: definitely
Hey, I just wanted to say thanx SO much for making this page! He definitely deserves his own site. My main reason for watching Animorphs is to see Boris... he is so hot! Guess that's it for now. Please stop by my site sometime. Thanx!

The Young Stars Links Page

kitten5624 - 03/04/99 17:30:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Stage/1817
My Email:kitten5624@yahoo.com
That was my friend saying all those mean things. sorry. when I click onsign my guestbook, it goes to yours instead. I can't figure out why.

Kittne 5624 - 03/04/99 17:29:54
It was not. You page bites you loser!~

Animorphs Suck - 03/04/99 17:27:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/stage/1817
My Email:Kitten5624@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: No
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Neither, they both suck
Who's your favorite character (on the show): the Dog-he looks like u
Have you been to my other page?: No, get a life
Do you like this page?: No
What the hell is your guestbook doing on my page you freak? I go to MY guestbook and I get your piece of crap Bye Krista St. Pierre

loca468 - 02/20/99 18:08:38
My Email:angel.-eyes@usa.net
Do you read animorphs?: yeppers
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books but show has boris and that is a plus for it.
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco of course
Have you been to my other page?: you have another page?
Do you like this page?: yeah

Jasmine - 02/16/99 03:50:18
Do you read animorphs?: no
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco and Tobias
Have you been to my other page?: nope
Do you like this page?: needs to be updated more often, but other than that, it's great
Boris will be on ER on TNT on Thurs. Feb. 25. It depends on the NBA on what time it would be on

CYLIPSO - 02/15/99 21:50:02
My Email:Cylipso2@AOL
Do you read animorphs?: by the tons
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: I think the show skimps
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco
Have you been to my other page?: not yet
Do you like this page?: so far so good

bc-girl - 02/12/99 20:54:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Station/8825/index2.html
My Email:meww_bc_girl@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: Of course
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: both for different reasons
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Boris, and Christopher
this is a link to the joint Boris page I have with Meww who also has a Boris fan page.

Jessica - 02/12/99 17:53:57
My Email:daywin@webtv.net
Do you read animorphs?: YES!!!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Jake
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: It's OK
Nice Pics

matthew_axfan_campbell - 02/03/99 02:23:36
My Email:matthew_axfan_campbell@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: YES!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: SHOW definently SHOW
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Boris
Have you been to my other page?: Yes
Do you like this page?: YES

Sabrina - 02/01/99 05:01:48
My Email:Ericam_spice@yahoo.com
Do you read animorphs?: nope
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: T.v show
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Rachel
Have you been to my other page?: yes
Do you like this page?: yes
Nice page keep up the good work and stay focused

Casey - 01/31/99 20:29:11
Do you read animorphs?: Oh, yeah!!!!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books for action and show for Boris!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco!
Have you been to my other page?: Can't say that I have.
Do you like this page?: I'm lovin it!
Boris Cabrera is THEE hottest thing to ever hit Nichelodeon! I love him and his work! I don't watch ER but I bet he really stole the show.

Jasmine - 01/31/99 06:07:46
My Email:HA! Psyche
Do you read animorphs?: Nope
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: I would probably like the show better
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marco and Tobias
Have you been to my other page?: Huh?! You have another page?
Do you like this page?: Yeah! Hey it's about Boris.
Let me just say this: Boris (Marco) and Christopher (Tobias) are just plain fine. Plus they sound like they got a cool personality. This is the first website on Boris. I am going to see him on ER. I promised myself. Anyways I gotta jam. My my my what a lo of haters are coming in here.

Dru - 01/26/99 18:13:30
My URL:http://augi.simplenet.com/cr/index.html
Do you read animorphs?: Yep..
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Right now? Slightly more into the show..
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Tobias
Have you been to my other page?: yep
Do you like this page?: Of course :o)
Heyla..great page, and keep up the good work!

Animorphanatic - 01/25/99 02:07:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/2141/
My Email:Animorphanatic@cybergal.com
Do you read animorphs?: Of course!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books I guess, I don't get to see the show very often:)
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Tobias
Have you been to my other page?: What other page?
Do you like this page?: Yep. Way cool!
Cool page!

Angel & Coal - 01/24/99 06:13:41
My Email:coal_p@hotmail.com or angel_halo80@hotmail. com
Do you read animorphs?: TOTALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: SHOW
Who's your favorite character (on the show): MARCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you been to my other page?: Nope
Do you like this page?: A LOT! DEFINITLY!
WE LOVE BORIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BORIS IS A BABE!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lizbee - 01/20/99 21:25:45
My Email:Lizbee15@aol.com
Do you read animorphs?: NO!!!!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: i hate them
Who's your favorite character (on the show): hate them all
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: not the animorphs part

2-hours-max - 01/15/99 14:19:21
My Email:sabrinahovey@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): I have 2: Marco and Rachel
Have you been to my other page?: no
Do you like this page?: yes
You said Boris doesn't like girls who are taller than him, how tall is he? And how old is he? Thank you. Could you e-mail me if you know?

starr baldwin - 01/07/99 22:12:11
My Email:starr_baldwin@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: yes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: shows
Who's your favorite character (on the show): marco (boris)
Have you been to my other page?: nope
Do you like this page?: yep
boris is really cool, but you need bigger pics of him.

Tobias Lover - 01/05/99 20:43:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/9789/
My Email:skatergirl@animorphers.com
Do you read animorphs?: OH YEAH!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Christopher Ralph/Boris Cabrera
Have you been to my other page?: not yet, but will
Do you like this page?: yes
Cool Page! Hi AniCat12! See? Tolja I'd be here!

Karyn Meeks - 01/04/99 22:42:18
My URL:http://eccentrica.org/jamiek/
My Email:IcyCool128@aol.com
Do you read animorphs?: Sometimes
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Tobias as a human.
Have you been to my other page?: Not yet
Do you like this page?: Yes!
This is realy cool! Keep up the great work!

Jaysun - 12/31/98 02:21:18
My Email:benjamin@arbornet.org
Do you read animorphs?: Nope
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Marcos & Cassy
Have you been to my other page?: Sorry
Do you like this page?: Yes I do
Wow, I feel like a dork 'cause I'm the first guy to sign this book. I have to admit that I do watch the show, though not regularly. Heh. I like Marcos's dry wit and think Boris is a great actor. What episode was he in on ER? By the way, Nickelodeon/S holastic really should use all of us as extras in the show... there's enough of us fans. ;-)

sophi - 12/14/98 14:38:46
My Email:n/a
Do you read animorphs?: no but i would like too!!
Who's your favorite character (on the show): BORIS,SHAWN CHRISTOPHER RALPH
Have you been to my other page?: NO
Do you like this page?: YES!!!!!!!

Mara J. - 12/12/98 18:55:06
My URL:http://come.to/animorphsontv
My Email:animorphsontv@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: Of course!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: I like both.
Who's your favorite character (on the show): All of them!
Have you been to my other page?: No.
Do you like this page?: Yes!!
I like this page because it's the first page of its kind. A very original idea. Keep up the good work! I'll add you to my links page.

Jo Trent - 12/12/98 05:14:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/8084/animorphs/
My Email:animorphstuff@hotmail.com
Do you read animorphs?: Yup
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: THE SHOW!!!!!! (no offesnse to K.A, of course!)
Who's your favorite character (on the show): MARCO
Have you been to my other page?: not yet, but I'm going to.
Do you like this page?: Definately!

CRFAN - 12/03/98 21:27:40
My Email:CAN'T SAY
Do you read animorphs?: BUT OF COURSE
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: THE BOOKS
Who's your favorite character (on the show): CHRISTOPHER RALPH
Have you been to my other page?: YEAH
I got to this page by clicking the link on the CR fansite page. It is okay for a new site and nice pics. I will visit from time to time even though I like Christopher Ralph better, Boris is okay too, not as cute as CR though. Any way I hope your site oes well. BYE!

Zoe - 11/13/98 17:19:08
Do you read animorphs?: NO WAY!
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: *()^%$#
Who's your favorite character (on the show): WHAT?
Have you been to my other page?: NO WAY!
Do you like this page?: WHAT? NO WAY!
What the hell is this page about? I can't read this profanty. I feel sick oh, BARFFFFFFF! Who the hell is this being you make your page on? QUEER!

bc-girl - 11/07/98 15:13:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/9375
My Email:bc-girl@mailexcite.com
Do you read animorphs?: Of course
If yes, what do you like more show or books?: Books definatly
Who's your favorite character (on the show): Boris (Marco)
Have you been to my other page?: I run it
Do you like this page?: lets think about it. It's my page. What would you do if I said I hated it?
If you have any information about Boris e-mail me. Also If you haven't been to my other page, the url is http://www.url4life.com/?AniCat12 If you wanna e-mail me about animorphs you can use my e-mail for this page or you can use AniCat12@mailexcite.com I hope you enjoy this page and my otherone

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