The wisdom of many ancient traditions is the basis for the power of the PALs you shall meet and learn to create!

The greatest healers, athletes, shamans, and achievers have used this tool to bring success. The advertising industry uses this secret to entice you to buy products that you do not even need. By repeatedly saying, seeing, and feeling a message associated with common objects, people, and animals we merge how we want to be, into how we live. People from many different lands and ages have used such techniques such as these to improve their lives. Words that can be vividly seen, felt or imagined change the way that we relate to the world around us. These palpable thoughts show up in everything from cave drawings, to ritual, prayer, and poems. Ideas made concrete contain and defeat fear and bring dreams to reality. Ultimately where our thoughts go, energy flows.

The roots of SOUL PALs, their cultural and spiritual origin.

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