My Autobiography
Just the Facts
Name, rank and serial number...right? My name is
Mary Lou (my friends in chat call me Emma) I live in northern California, not far from Sacramento - where I grew up. I've been married for just over twenty years and we have four terrific teenage daughters. One dog, two rats, and about thirty Koi of varying sizes round out the household. I'm 45 years old and I have green eyes. Why this is important escapes me at the moment - but someone always asks!
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Unless you were looking you might not have found this page at all! I almost didn't put it in here! And I certainly didn't want to do a whole "official" link! But I'm a writer at heart and the chance to have a forum like this was just too good to pass up!
So, I have to wonder, what else does anyone
need to know about me. I suppose that presenting a page like this implies that I know what the heck I'm talking about. Credentials should be in order then. I've been sewing for about seventeen years. Coincidentally, my oldest daughter is 17. Hmmm! Actually, I learned to sew in the 7th or 8th grade - over one boring summer, it passed the time. But I didn't really immerse myself in it until I had my little girl to sew for. Then another little girl....and then the twins came along......four girls to sew for! But by then, no time! There were projects along the way and I learned something from each of them. There were the usual reasons to get out the sewing machine - curtains, Easter dresses, bathing suits. It wasn't until I started working for House of Fabrics on a part time basis that things got serious!
People would come in to the store, asking if we could recommend anyone to sew a bridesmaid's dress, or a prom dress, or whatever it happened to be. I'd say "No, I'm sorry, we don't make recommendations, but you can look at the card file." And one day it dawned on me, I should have a card in there!
Voila! Needle and Thread was born! And soon, I was doing so many prom dresses, bridesmaid's dresses, and whatnot that I had to stop working at House of Fabrics!
The rest, as they say, is history! In thumbnail form, my husband retired from the BIG electric utility that he worked at for 20+ years and we moved the family from southern California to northern California. Now, he's with a BIG grocery chain working with their computers. The girls are happily involved in pursuits ranging from track and field to softball to photography to drama to Jazz Band! The dog probably misses the jack rabbits and quail she loved chasing at our old place...but she has discovered that squirrels can be just as much fun. And I am finding my feet and slowly building a client base here.
All in all, we're happy. And that's all anyone can ask from life!
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