SHORTIESQ:Heard of the new Nazi microwave oven? Q:Why did the Leper leave the party? Q:What do you call a leper in a bath?
Q. What's the difference between a tribe of Pygmies and a Girls track team? A.The Pygmies are a bunch of Cunning little Runts!
Q: What's the difference between sin and shame? Q: What's the speed limit of sex? Q: What's the ultimate rejection? Q: Why is air a lot like sex? Q: If there is H2O on the inside of a fire hydrant,
what is on the outside?
Q: Why did Raggedy Ann get thrown out of the
toy box? Q: What did the egg say to the boiling water? Q: What did the potato chip say to the battery?
Q: What's another name for pickled bread? Q: Why did Frosty the Snowman pull down his
Q. Whats the definition of a virgin in Oz? Q: How do you know when your girlfriend has
gotten too fat? Q: How do you find the pussy on a REALLY fat
Q: What do you call an open can of tuna in a
lesbian's apartment? What's the difference between a golfer and a
skydiver? The husband complained: "You never cry out when
you have an orgasm." Q: What 15 animals can you fit in a pair of
pantyhose? Q: Why do farts smell bad? Q. How many men does it take to fix a woman's
watch? Q: What do women and spaghetti have in common?
Q: Whats 69 and 69? Q: Why don't chickens wear underwear? Q: Whats worse than being raped by Jack the
Ripper? Q: Whats worse than lobsters on your piano?
Did you hear about the nympho at the hotel pool?
Q: How do you make a hormone? Q: Whats the difference between men and jelly
beans? Q: What do Rubiks cube and a penis have in common?
Q: How can you tell a macho women? Q: What do a coffin and a condom have in common?
Q: How do you know that a female bartender is
pissed off with you? Q: How do you recycle a used tampon? Q: What do you get if you cross Bananarama with
a Vibrator? What do you do in case of fallout? What's better than a rose on your piano? What is the definition of pure agony ? Fucking a meat mincer
Q. What do you call 100 tampons lying on the
beach? Q. Why did the walrus go to the tupperware party?
Q. What's the definition of disgusting? A. Licking
the sweat balls off your granny's neck while you Q. What's the definition of disgusting? |