A.C.T. for Women

Awareness & Confidence Training for Women

Who is A.C.T. for Women

A.C.T. for Women is a comprehensive self-defense course designed especially for women. The program focuses on three essential aspects of self-defense, awareness, self-confidence as well as physical defensive capabilities!.

What is Self-defense!

Awareness - observational and judgement skills

Self-defense is not all striking or kicking; most important is to be conscious of your surroundings. Being AWARE of your environment is known as being in "condition yellow"! Condition yellow is not clutching your your belongings to your chest as you move about or anticipating danger at every turn. It is taking the time to avoid poorly lit areas, looking both ways before crossing the street and performing constant threat assessment of your immediate surroundings!

The first step to self-defense is learning how to anticipate trouble. The shifty-eyed man wearing a heavy coat in the middle of the summer is an obvious one, but what about that nicely dressed jogger in sweats running up behind you? Leave your predjudice at the door, because bad guys come in all colors, shapes and modes of dress! The criminals biggest advantage is surprise. If he can't surprise you, you've started shifting the odd's in your favor!

Spotting trouble before it happens is easy. The difficult part is paying attention 100% of the time. Even when you think you're paying attention, you may not be. How many times has someone surprised you by sneaking up behind you? Seeing a threat is meaningless unless it registers on an alert mind.

Knowledge gives us options. Knowing we can avoid conflict altogether gives us yet another option. We can capitalize on what our opponent presents us, or avoid him altogether. And thats what self-defense is all about!

Confidence - value your-self, who you are and project confidence!.

Feel EMPOWERED- Fear and intimidation are greater handicaps than lack of strength or physical size. Attacks on women are often about CONTROL! Don't let fear paralize you but let it EMPOWER you! Take CONTROL!

Attackers select a victim many times based on a perception of that person. A vulnerable looking person is more likely to be selected as a victim than a person who projects confidence, resolve, etc..

The way you feel about your-self is often projected to others. You must have a high sense of self-worth, you must feel good about your-self, confident about ho you are, have a postive self-image. This translates into a confident stride, look, and shows through in conversation.

Firm verbal and psychological resistance appears to be effective. Studies also show that in a comparasion between women who were attacked and those that avoided attack, those that avoided attack "tended to be somewhat more suspicious and often responded in a rude hostile manner prior to the signal of attack.

Studies supporting that immediate and firm resistance is a key factor in deterring unarmed attacks. Running, shouting or striking frequently resulted in thwarting an attack. Begging, pleading or verbal stalling usually does not deter attacks.

Action - consists of verbal (de-escalation) and non verbal (physical self-defense).

Women's Self-Defense Links

American Women's Self Defense Assoc. Home Page
Business Women on the Net - Brought together by the NET
Self Defense - Nashville Police Department
Self Defense Tips - Judith Weiss
Sexual Assualt Information Page (with a search feature)
Rate your Risk
Womens Issues and Groups