WARNING:Use of these my reslut in better sleep but an overall feeling of un acivement. Use at your own risk. I do not encourage cheating, but I will help you people with in finding the codes that many of you ask for. Again, use at your own discresion! If the codes are in " " that means you push the keys and not type in ctrlf10. You press the keys at the same time.
How to use the codes:
Begin a game (When you can move around and such with the controls and shoot people)
For Crusader No: Regret:
Loosecannon16 - Enables cheat mode
"ctrl F10" - Invincibiliy
"F10" - Refills energy and gives all the weapons ( A SWEET CODE! )
(This code is untested and I'm not sure if it works or of the results)
Jassica16 - Shows hidden movie of some type, again, of what I don't know, Anyone tell me?
For Crusader No Remorse:
Jassica16 - Enables cheat mode
"Alt F10" - Invincibilty
~ - Togels cheat mode
h - Hack mover. Click on anything with the mouse and drag it to a new spot. Fun!