architect TOFAN BOGDAN
university lecturer - I.A.I.M.- Ion Mincu Institute of Architecture
Birth date : 16 June 1962
Residence : Bucharest, Str. Cāmpineanca 6, 2T, ap.4,sector 3 Studies:
1999 Member of the UIA International Group of Work for Science and High Tech; UIA - International Work Group For Science and High Tech, present at the XX th uia Congress in Beijing
1998 Universitary Lecturer at "Ion Mincu " Institute Bucharest
1997 Doctorant at Technical University of Eindhoven The Netherlands
1993 Doctorant at Architectural University at "Ion Mincu " Institute Bucharest
1987 Graduation , University level - 6 years studies at
Architectural and Urban Planing University
1981 - 1987 Architectural and Urban Design Institute - Bucharest University
1980 - 1981 Military service
1980 Studies trip in Italy
1977 - 1980 Architectural and Urban Design secondary school Bucharest
1976 - 1977 Mathematics - humanistic high school - Bucharest
1968 - 1976 Primary school nr.164
1998 - The Jury of the International Competition "Architecture and Poverty elimination " - Member- 25 - 29 April
1998 - Universitary Assistant prof. at Ion Mincu Institute of Architecture
in Bucharest - Chair of Basis of Architectural design from 1990
1997 - Ph.D. research stage 5 months in The Netherlands ,
at Technical University of Eindhoven
1997 - Chairman of the Romanian Registered Architects - Directory
Vice-President of Romanian Union of Architects
1997 - Managerial Finance Seminar - Oklahoma Christian University U.S.A.
1997 - Managerial Seminar - Dornbirn Austria
1996 - Managerment in Architecture " Building a successful Business "
Harding University Center for International Business
1996 Director of the Program for the Romanian Register of Architects - Regarh .
1995 Member of the Board of the Romanian Union of Architects
1993 Architectural Doctoral research Stage Registration admition at I.A.I.M.
1992 Scholarship at International Architectural Academy in
Marly-le-Roi Paris , France
1992 Registered at International Union UNCED in Rio de Janeiro
1991 Scholarship at International Architectural Academy in
Marly-le-Roi Paris , France
1991 TOFAN ARKITECT S.R.L. - General Manager -
1990 Trade Design Institute - Senior Architect
1990 UniversitaryAssistant Professor in Ordinary at architectural
1990 French scholarship for post graduated studies in MONTPELIER,
1988 - 1990 Architectural Design & Planning Institute House Project - Bucharest
1988 - 90 Carpati Project Institute - Bucharest
Published works :
"The film of tradition - architectural essey" TUE Eindhoven
"Considerations about regionalism and tipology in architecture"
"ARHITECTURA" review : Residential youth
Super market shop - complex - CHISINAU
SOS Kinderdorf Intrnational - Bucharest Village - First prize
Municipality Headquarters in Buftea - Bucharest - First Prize
State Tresurery Headquarters Bucharest Sector 3 - First Prize
Bucharest 2000 , Palace Plaza Bucharest
Elder People Assistance Program Sibiu
Postal Transit teritorial distibution Center
Ana Hotels - Holiday Inn hotels
Austrian Library in Bucharest
Residential Youth Congress Hotels Complex
Architectural Bienalle
- Citibank Headquarters
- Financial State Tresurer Administration
- SOS Kinderdorf International - Bucharest Village
- Buftea Town - Hall
- Popovici Vila - Mogoshoaia
All contents copyright Tofan Arkitect 1998 and all rights reserved. No material may be reproduced electronically or printed without written permission from Tofan Arkitect.