Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo
What is Jodo?
Jodo is the art using the Jo (50 inch) staff, but the Shindo Muso Ryu syllabus also includes Tanjojutsu (walking stick), Kenjutsu (sword), Juttejutsu (truncheon), Hojojutsu (ropes and tying), and Kusarigamajutsu (sickle and chain).
History of Jodo
Jojutsu was founded in 1603 by Muso Gonnosuke Katsukichi. Gonnosuke trained in Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu Kenjutsu and Kashima Jikishin Kage Ryu where he obtained the secrets of Ichi no Tachi. After he lost a friendly duel with famed swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, Gonnosuke retired to Mt. Homan where he meditated for several weeks, and during this time the idea to use a short staff as a weapon came to him in a dream where a small child told him to "learn the solarplexus with a round stick". Muso found that the jo had a faster recovery rate than the bo, and could confuse the opponent's sense of distance with end-over-end handling. He also incorporated his knowledge of techniques from other weapon styles, such as thrusts, cuts, and sweeps.
After he had practiced with the Jo for a substantial amount of time, Muso challenged Musashi again and defeated him (the only time Musashi had ever been defeated) in the castle town of Himeji, and the two warriors became very good friends.
Since, by 1600 firearms were the main weapon on the battlefield, Jojutsu was mainly used to develop fighting skill, and for self-defense and law-enforcement purposes. As an art within a larger syllabus practiced by a particular clan, many traditions became associated with Shindo Muso Ryu.
Gonnosuke became the teacher of the Kuroda clan, and Jojutsu was one of the most secretive arts of the period. Permission to teach outside the han (feudal territory) was not granted until 1872 after the Meiji Restoration had taken place. Later, Jojutsu became very popular and was being endorsed by some of the foremost political figures at the time. As well, several Jojutsuka became involved with the Black Dragon Society (Kuroryukai), an ultra-nationalist group that helped form Japan's militaristic and expansionist policies.
Jodo Today
In 1940, Takauki Shimizu Sensei changed the name from Jojutsu to Jodo, and developed the 12 kihon (basic) exercises, perhaps based on 5 kihon used earlier by Nakayama Hakudo. In 1955, public demonstrations were reconvened after the Martial Arts were censored by the SCAP, and there was a desire to spread Jodo before it died out. In the late 1960s, The All Japan Kendo Federation introduced Seitei Gata Jodo (12 kihon and 12 kata) to the syllabus. These kata included subtle changes to body and foot positioning.
Today, Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo is part of the curriculum of the Japanese Metropolitan Police and Riot Police.
Information condensed from the Rembukan Dojo Student Handbook.
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