Hi! Welcome to Connie's Home Page!
I'm working on my new web home and putting in the furniture in here! Woo hoo! See you again soon!
My interests are:
Scrapbooking, teaching Creative Memories workshops and classes, babies, children, cooking, flowers, music, and traveling!
Many of the things I'll describe include:
My Family and Friends (with Photos, naturally)
Fun Things To Do
Scrapbooking Ideas and Testimonials
Entrepreneurial Success Stories
Inspiring Stories of People's Lives

The ultimate in traveling companions...a map! "Where are we, Honey?" Lost? Go to mapquest.com to get directions.
Hmmm? How do we get George's phone number and address? We don't have a phone book for his area. I know! Let's look it up in uswestdex.com! That's my favorite way to find people easily.
E-mail me at suehiro@juno.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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