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Numerology deals with analyzing a person's birth date, name, etc. so that a general characteristic and future of the person can be achieved.

Birth dates, if consists of two digits, then the two digits are added up to give a single digit number, (Example: If the birth date is 14, then we add 1+4 to give 5).

How do names play an important part in numerology? Well, as per numerology, each letter has its own numerical value. The numerical values of all the letters in the name are found, and are then added up till a single digit number is achieved. (Example: 'John' has the numerical value:

Grand Total1+8=9

Actually, each number in numerology has a certain characteristic, and the person who is born on that date, or has a name value of that number, has a similar characteristics as the number.

Here is some characteristics of the number 9:

     It is related to the planet Mars.
     They are fighters in life.
     They are independent in nature.
     They are lucky.
     Their general lucky color is red.
     Their lucky day is Tuesday.
     Their lucky birthstone is ruby.
     Lucky metal is copper.

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You want consultation in Numerology? Well look no further! Here we will give you a numerological analysis. Just fill out the form below.

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Gender Male Female
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Date of birth
It will cost you $40 for a Numerological analysis. For
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