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Natasha Hamilton - 12/07/00 16:13:37
My Email:queensurfbunny@yahoo.com

Great site, Love all the Pictures.

Nína Bergström - 11/22/00 10:58:20
My Email:ninapinan@hotmail.com

Hi there! I´m living in Sweden and are wondering how much cold these dogs can handle? I´ve only heard of two swedish breeders who have Xolos. Are there any difference between american hairless terrier and xolos? Do You know of some more swedish breeders?

Brenda - 11/18/00 17:36:11
My Email:nuckchorris@excite.com

I think that American Hairless Terriers are so cute. I was wondering though if they can get sunburn because they don't have fur. I am moving to Arizona in January and I am planning on buying a puppy soon after my arrival. Bye :)

Tom Wideen - 11/13/00 01:08:53
My Email:wideen@lvcm.com

We are looking for a standard or miniture Xolo or AHT puppy in February 2001. If you have any available or know where we might get one please let us know. Thanks, Tom & Denise Wideen

Tom Wideen - 11/13/00 01:08:49
My Email:wideen@lvcm.com

We are looking for a standard or miniture Xolo or AHT puppy in February 2001. If you have any available or know where we might get one please let us know. Thanks, Tom & Denise Wideen

Gina Ewing - 10/18/00 16:22:10
My Email:EErikasmom@aol.com

I was researching info on a dog for my daughter who has allergies/asthma. I was sent to the hairless dogs, even though my heart is set on a dark brown or red toy poodle female pup. I am curious about this breed and it's not cute like a poodle, but from our pictures I see they have their moments. :) I would like to know an average cost of a female pup in the black/white coloring. We are in Bremerton, WA (Seattle) so shipping would need to be considered. I look forward to hearing from you or anyone wit info.

Tami Brandt - 10/17/00 23:26:30
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~skyefearie/sfcd.html
My Email:playboy_model@yahoo.com

Hello, I love your site. I also have a similar updated site located at the above url (the contents page has info on submitting your sites to the directory, if they aren't already there). But if you would like to bypass the beginning of the site, and go di ectly to the American Hairless Terrier section is at: http://www.crosswinds.net/~skyefearie/breeds_aht.html Come see and please sign the guestbook!

Robyn - 09/27/00 00:38:49
My Email:dmesquibel@mindspring.com

American hairless Terriers are pretty darn cute and quite interesting. I was originally interested in them based on their hypoallergenic qualities, as I have a mildly asthmatic son and a husband who has an aversion to dogs that shed. Feel free to contac me.

Darlisa Langwell - 09/22/00 22:17:34
My Email:langwell@prodigy.net

HI I've been visting your web site all week. I've been doing reseach on AHT ALLweek I've talk to Mr. Scott three times this week. I use to breed poodles. I've wanted to start a kennel for 15 years, Ilove dogs . And I dont like back yard breeders, I try Vary hard to do evarything the right way thats why I've talk with MR. scott. The founder ofAHT He talks vary highly of you . My husband and I are going to take a trip to see him and see how he sets his kennels up. And meet some AHT ,I'am looking forward to seeing Hairless Terriers and playing with them. Thanks Darlisa Langwell P.s. I'am looking forward to talking with you. my phone number is 1512-581-0396

- 08/29/00 19:29:34


cathy rades - 08/07/00 21:40:59
My Email:rades@alltel.net

hi. they are so cute. are they good with kids??? i am looking for a hairless or very short haired dog and wonder if there is a breeer in the atlanta area that you might know of. ( or the mexican hairless ) thanks cathy

Debi Wayne - 08/01/00 04:03:13
My Email:www.barbiegyrl13@aol.com

I really love the pictures!! I'm the owner of two chinese cresteds,I live in Los Angeles, and would love to be e-mailed about any info on your great dogs. Are there any responsible breeders in my area that you may know of? Thanks Debi

Lynn Cochran - 07/22/00 04:42:41
My Email:lcochra2@csc.com

My finacee and I would love to have a dog but alas he has ashma and is alergic to dog dander. We were wondering if it would be possible that he could live with a hairless dog. We read some information online and ended up at your site. Would you please orward information about availability and cost. Thank you :-) Lynn Cochran

Bill Newell - 07/21/00 13:01:04
My URL:http://ourphotos.cjb.net
My Email:bill@longdist.cjb.net

Enjoyed visiting your site. Please come by and visit us. We have posted pictures of our Westie, Buffy, our home and family. Sign our guestbook. We are happy to exchange links with appropriate sites. Our Photos at: http://ourphotos.cjb.net

Rene Slingsby - 07/16/00 06:17:19
My Email:chicosrene@webt.net

Very interesting!! What registry are they in? I have chinese cresteds and would like to know more about these dogs. Are they shown, how much would a show pup cost? Rene

Victoria - 07/11/00 21:43:18
My Email:victoria.albert@usa.net

Love your dogs! We've always wanted one, but my husband is allergic to shedding. We're just now moving into a large house and want to get a dog compatible with our needs. How can we buy a puppy? We live in CT... Do you or anyone else sell AHT on the ast coast?

Stacy Thompson - 07/11/00 10:52:58
My Email:slharden@umich.edu

Looking for dogs...

Vicky - 07/02/00 04:55:38
My Email:vloebel@yahoo.com

Hi, nice site. I'm looking into getting an AHT- they seem wonderful- but we have family allergies and need to figure out how to do it in a way that won't leave us heartbroken, with a dog we don't know what to do with. Any advice on how to go about this w uld be great.

carole ragsdale - 06/22/00 13:05:12
My Email:cragsdal@sms.org

I love dogs and am very interested in the American hairless as I am allergic to the fur. I have always tried to get dogs that didn't shed. Are there any Richmond VA, or Fredericksburg, VA locations that I could contact. Thanks for any information you can give me.

Robert J. Smith, DVM - 06/12/00 00:06:42
My Email:critterdoc@cybertrails.com

Just checked out your site which is great. Got some very cute dogies. I was really impressed with Win. What a great trooper she is. Hope she is doing well. Let us know.

Linda Robertson - 04/10/00 17:28:14
My Email:linda@dnc.net

Do you have puppies for sale, and how much. How far from Sedona are you as we go there on vaction once in a while? Linda

Dolores Partier - 03/17/00 04:51:09
My Email:DPartier@cs.com

Loved your website! I am definitely sold on AHT's. Do you have puppies for sale at the present time or expecting litters in the summer? I am looking for a pet quality female on the small side. Do you ship your pups out or is pick-up preferred? I live in Southern Oregon and there are no AHT breeders here at the present. What is the usual going price for your pups? Any info would be helpful. Thanks so much.

Deanna - 03/09/00 05:17:22
My Email:Seattlevet@Hotmail.com

There is a puppy born from BlueBerry and Blue Rainy boarding at our animal hospital in Kirkland, WA for a few days. He has a wonderful temperament and is very spunky. The entire staff thinks he is very fun and bright.

Jason Rochester - 02/14/00 01:54:09

I like this breed of dogs. I'm thinking of getting one.

LeAnn - 02/10/00 16:04:29
My Email:leeskey@hotmail.com

Hi there! Boy was I surprised to see that you are on the Mogollon Rim since I live here in Flagstaff. I have a standard rat terrier so I was just interested in looking at your hairless. They definitely grow on you!

Jackie Russell - 02/10/00 09:40:47

Wow, these guys are adorable! Like little naked Jack Russells! (the ones with button ears, anyway which I think is a priceless feature but, alas, being RAT Terrier derived, it's contrary to breed standard :P pity, cause those bat ears look silly! :)

Chris Hendrix - 02/09/00 03:04:09
My Email:hrhinc@vsnl.com

I emailed you directly to inquire about the posssibility of acquiring a AHT. As mentioned any information will be appreciated. Thank You Chris

Dana Groom - 02/06/00 03:26:02
My Email:Groom@primenet.com

Hello Wade! I live in Chandler, Az and am very interested in owning an AHT. My 7 yr old son and I suffer misereably from allergies, but have an undying love and attachment to dogs. Please contact me or my husband, Randy, with more information. Thanks!!!

Kristina - 02/06/00 02:23:39
My Email:Mlscw@aol.com

I have a golden Retiver named Montana and she is 61/2 years old.

Dawn Whelan - 01/25/00 19:06:08
My Email:pawprintz4@aol.com

I am Dawn Whelan Secretary of the UKC Parent breed club for Rat Terriers "ARTA". I myself have a hairless and I'm happy as can be with her. I would appreciate it if you can e-mail me, for I have some questions for you about your hairless. I thank you in advance for your assistance. Dawn

John - 01/22/00 14:12:50
My Email:jps230@hotmail.com

Enjoyed your site. Nice layout. It does not take long to load which is a nuisance on other sites.

Ashley - 01/14/00 15:11:47
My Email:abcdefg_85040@yahoo.com

Hi, I live in Arizona and I have wanted one of these dogs for about a year now, but I can't find them anywhere. I was reading your web page and realized that your located in Arizona! I was wondering if any of your dogs are having puppies soon and how mu h they are. Please email me back.

Kate - 01/10/00 16:23:38
My Email:kate505@cybergal.com

Thanx for your e-mail, it would be great if u could find out for me.

Jim Bruder - 01/10/00 04:43:49
My URL:/TimesSquare/Cavern/6385/
My Email:jmb1962@home.net

We are looking forward to our new family member "Blues Traveler" We thought that is was appropriate that he was coming all the way from Arizona to Michigan, and that his mother's names is "Moody Blue", and his dad's name is "Blueberry", we just wanted hi to fit right in and "Blues Traveler" is a band that both my wife and I enjoy just as the band "Moody Blues"..Thanks again for making us a very happy family with our new addition in about 3 weeks time. Take care, great job on the website by the way. Sin erely yours, Jim and Diane Bruder, Michigan

chery - 01/08/00 03:17:50
My Email:rsedogs@webtv.net

loved your website. I just joined ARTA and have been tryingto learb about R.T.'s. I have 1 little girl and a cocker. This is the best breed I have had. I raised and showed Dachsies as a kid. Hope to show this breed and pass it on to my grandson who I am r ising. Bye.

Kate - 01/06/00 18:00:29
My Email:kate505@cybergal.com

Can u get AHT in England?

- 12/31/99 05:30:02


Audrey Faye - 12/21/99 03:23:26
My Email:Faudrey@msn.com

I am interested in having an AHT join my family, because of my allergy this breed is perfect for me.

claudia - 12/09/99 17:57:56
My Email:birdwtchr2@aol

what beautiful dogs especially blue rainey. i have a chinese cresteds goldenberrys black majic or majic beauty, i forgrt which and ch. lou-gens fancy dancer, also cassi a purebred smooth coated fox terrior. and a big junk yard dog then there are the 4 c ts,,sometimes a mad house love your dogs maybe a hairless terrier would fit right in

Sharon Blair - 11/26/99 20:57:01
My Email:whipgrey@aol.com

Your aht's are as cute as mine! Don't you just love 'em?

niels - 10/30/99 18:47:44
My Email:hundehus@get2net.dk

just curious because we just got one ourself

Shawn Chema - 10/28/99 23:04:26
My Email:mchema@netpass.com


Viviana - 10/15/99 18:14:52
My URL:http://www.perrosargentinos.com.ar/summerhill
My Email:nabiasnealon@datamarkets.com.ar

Your dogs are soooo cute! I loved their pictures. Greetings from Argentina :)

Beth Schwemmer - 10/07/99 19:14:14
My Email:bschwem@mindspring.com

I live in the Phoenix area and interested in owning an AHT. I have done some research but would like to find out more about this breed.

Conie - 09/21/99 12:35:17
My Email:mrscjm@aol.com

I liked the variety of pictures you provided. I had never seen this breed before.

Conie - 09/21/99 11:33:36
My Email:mrscjm@aol.com

I liked the variety of pictures you provided. I had never seen this breed before.

Tami Brandt - 09/17/99 21:28:05
My URL:http://www2.crosswinds.net/~skyefearie/sfcd.html
My Email:playboy_model@yahoo.com

Hello, I love your site. I also have a similar site located at the above url (which has info on submitting your sites to the directory, if they aren't already there). But if you would like to bypass the beginning of the site, and go directly to the Amer can Hairless Terrier section of the directory, it's located at: http://www2.crosswinds.net/~skyefearie/breeds_aht.html Come see and sign the guestbook!

Canine Lovers Yahoo! Club - 09/17/99 21:26:42
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/caninelovers
My Email:playboy_model@yahoo.com

Hello, I love your site. I've created a club in Yahoo! (located at the above url) for enthusiasts and admirers of any and all dog breeds. Come join us! Jump into the conversation or start up a new conversation with us! We'd love to have you there with us! The club is a help forum for dog owners of any kind and of any and all breeds. Dog owners seeking and giving advice to other dog owners

Donna Aucoin - 08/09/99 19:40:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~ccbasenji
My Email:dhaucoin@aol.com

I've only recently discovered the AHT. They are adorable!

M. Lupsha - 07/13/99 15:05:19
My Email:lupslex@intelos.net

very interesting. would be interested in breeders near virginia and prices.

anne blair - 07/02/99 15:04:09
My URL:http://come.to/ratterriers/
My Email:cutzpy@aol.com

blue rainy looks just like my abbigail...(only she has hair)...he is built just like her...how much does blue rainy weigh?? and how old is he??

Tom and Denise - 06/20/99 18:25:12
My Email:wideen@earthlink.net

I think your aht's are beautiful. We tried to contact you before and lost your address. Please send me information again on your dogs, I am very interested in adding one to my family. Thank you.

Kim Mahone - 06/12/99 02:00:22
My Email:pkmahone@n-gate.com

Hello Pattie Wade (?) My name is Kim Mahone and I am in search of finding a pet that I am not allergic to (as I am with all cats and some dogs). What I hear is that the AHT's are wonderful for people like me who are looking for a small house dog. Do you have any information n AHT's, your breeding program, availability, prices, etc. We are located in Colorado Springs Co so we are just a hop skip and jump away from you. Write back when you can. thanks... Kim Mahone

londa - 05/02/99 04:04:46
My Email:benae@dave-world.net

I am very interested in purchasing an aht but would you know of a breeder in illinios?

Monique Fabbro - 04/17/99 17:48:41
My Email:dennymac@email.msn.com

I'm a 28 yo single female with severe allergies to animals, and I was very exicted when I heard of AHT's!! I'm looking for a female pet quality AHT puppy. I'm unable to purchase one at this time, due to the landlord's pet restrictions. However, on 8/1/9 I will be in a new apt that allows small pets. On average, how much do pet quality female pups cost? Do pet quality AHT's have health problems that will require numerous visits to the vet? Thanks

Jane Chalfant - 04/02/99 15:56:01
My Email:jaylou@ithink.net

I will be visiting Az. in the near future and would love to visit w. you. I will be looking for a house in the Sedona area. Sounds like you are somewhere nearby. I have passed the "test" w. Teri and Bonnie and will be driving up to see Bonnie's puppies in the next few weeks. I'm also on the AHT List. I was formerly "Justa Shibas" and live in Fl. for a little while longer.

Tom Wideen - 03/21/99 22:43:37
My Email:wideen@earthlink.net

We are intrested in your AHT puppies, we would like more information. Thanks Tom Wideen

Karl and Dee Enevold - 01/31/99 04:06:17
My Email:enevold@earthlink.com

My wife and I are interested in a hairless terrier, though we would rather not raise another puppy. Are older dogs available? We live in the Bay Area, have two wonderful "haired" dogs, who sleep indoors, have a doggy door, and the run of the garage and ba kyard. Thanks for any help you can be in locating a dog for my wife and I. Karl and Dee Enevold (510) 728-8526

- 01/29/99 03:53:57
My Email:cjdavidson@uswest.net

Little MacKensie, Blueberry and Blue Rainy's baby, is a doll! At 11 weeks, I've been taking her outside after meals, and someone picked her up and hugged her. Now she runs up to everyone wiggling like they are her long lost friends! Wonderful personali y. I take her in the shower every morning--no more coated dogs for me! Carol

Madeline Reese - 10/31/98 08:01:14
My Email:Madeli9988@AOL.com

All my life my family has had toy fox terriors. I grew up and had a bull terrior of my own. Unfornately, he was just too big and playful for me. So I gave him back to the kennel I got him from. I now own three Xolos. Boy do I love them, yet I still mi s my terriors. Finding hairless terriors has made me so happy. Hopefully, my xolos can have another hairless friend soon.

Colleen and Darla - 09/17/98 23:55:03
My Email:soxnshoes@aol.com

Interested in getting an AHT. Any new information, please let us know. Thanks

Maria T. Porter - 06/18/98 20:30:36
My URL:http://www.usiu.edu/mfernand/index.html
My Email:mtporter@hotmail.com

Great looking dogs!

Lyn Brownell - 05/26/98 16:23:33
My URL:http://www.chinesecrested.com
My Email:gaeadogs@brantleytel.net

I fell in love with your babies. Blue rainey is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. If i could only get that color pattern in my cresteds !! Is she the mother to the other blues?? Pink Louy is a cutie as is Monty. Welll actually they are all wonder ul, But Rainey gets the top prize-Lyn

Vittoria - 05/23/98 07:25:15
My URL:/Heartland/Plains/9985/
My Email:caraceni@iname.com

Ciao Pattie!!! I am Vittoria from Italy, AHTlist member. Your pooches are soooo gorgeous!!!! Compliments!!! I love so much this breed, and they sure deserve more popularity because they are special for appearance and temperament. By now, I own 4 chinese crested girls th t are the joy of my life. It's a pity that there is no AHT here in Europe...

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Lilian - 05/22/98 15:24:32
My URL: none
My Email:

I see why you were so urgent in our visiting your site. I like Rainey. I love those spots and that face. Would like to have one just like him/her. I think because of old times when I was a younster, I would call mine SPOT. and that isn't from "see Spopt run" and Dick and Jane. Congratulations and will be looking for more pics.

Teri - 05/22/98 11:53:50
My Email:Wudnshu@aol.com

Pattie. . Hi :o) I was here !!! haha... you are so excited.. it is nice to see... the pups look so nice.. is Rainy a dog or bitch? I could n't tell from the picture.. I like the look of him/her... how's the bite ? Teri

Teri Murphy - 05/06/98 01:13:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1688
My Email:Wudnshu@aol.com

Hi Patti.. hey.. this is good that you now have a site.. I will give you a link off mine.. hope you will me too.. nice to see ya here.. and will look forward to coming to visit often.. good luck.. Teri :o)

Kristi - 04/24/98 17:15:00
My URL:http://members.aol.com/AHTerrier/home.html
My Email:AHTerrier@aol.com

It is so great to get more AHT pages online. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your AHT's.

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