Adam Dorrell

Career / CV
Surplus Inventory Marketing
The New Marketing


Surplus Inventory Marketing

Reaching the end of another tough quarter? Slow-moving, excess or end-of-life equipment costs money. It ties up capital, saps management (and sales) time in disposing of it. And the hidden costs of holding stock are considerable. What can be done to move excess stock in a quick efficient way?

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One solution is to sell using internet auctions – eBay is currently the poster boy of internet stocks and the model works for thousands of private sellers. But how does a corporation start selling on an internet auction site? Is it suitable? Safe? Will it recover costs? Would a private market place be better?

Adam Dorrell offers surplus inventory marketing consulting and implementation for companies. He is a specialist in internet auctions and dynamic pricing models, and has worked with Dell, IBM, Compaq, Virgin, Comet, Woolworth,, Freeserve, Microsoft and eBay to deliver auction solutions. He was involved in the startup of FairMarket UK, an auction specialist. He is regularly invited to speak on Dynamic Pricing at conferences.

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Adam’s approach is to build a cost model, ROI tool and work out marketing strategies for stock disposal. A number of methods are then used to move stock, which is carefully monitored to match supply with demand. Organisations can use the solution on a project basis, or use to supplement conventional sales methods.

Program includes

  • Scope of excess inventory issue
  • CxO / board presentation
  • Inventory cataloguing and logistics
  • Selling inventory publicly, privately or anonymously
  • Channel conflict issues and solutions
  • Selling on eBay and other sites
  • Tips and tricks, or a full solution
  • Auctions and other dynamic pricing models
  • Post sales marketing

Contact for more details

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© Adam Dorrell 2002