Paradise Shores Quarterly Site Awards
Welcome to our quarterly site awards page for Paradise Shores, my virtual community in Alpha World, the first world in the Active Worlds Universe. I encourage you to download the free software from the link below and visit our commuity. We have many available lots for those that want to register and become a member of the best community in Alpha World. Even if you don't want to pay the $19.95 per year to register, you can still come an visit and chat for free as a tourist. Our community is located at 32004N 19W in Alpha World. See you there and contact me, Cyberspace Dave for a lot when you decide to build, and we know you will.
Email Cyberspace Dave
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3rd Quarter 1998
Most Creative - Atawa's Community Park

Most Improved - DfameD's Lot 91

Best Detail - Gentleman Jack's Lot 34 "The Titanic"

Best New Site - Kayaman's Restaurant
4th Quarter 1998