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Chad Eric Wingo
Killed 15 May 92 

As my son walked through fields, 
flowers lifted their heads in the morning sunlight
and the brooks babbled.

As he whispered,
the doe and her fawn would listen
and as he laughed
all of God's Creatures chattered with happiness.

As he smiled, birds would sing
and butterflies danced on Spring Winds.
When he spoke
the hills would laugh
and trees lifted their branches toward Heaven.

As he wrapped his bear like arms around me,
my heart would leap with joy
. . . . filled with emotion and love
which only a father could feel and know.

As he sleeps eternal,
moonlight falls on the wings of Wild Geese
but they sound no call . . . .
  the mountains weep . . . . 
and the Giant Oak
silently hangs its branches in sorrow.

                                                                                    Dr. Harold H. Wingo
                                                                                     31 May 92 

     When Chad died, the greatest part of me died with him. His laughter and smile . . . his endless love and tender tears will be deeply missed and never forgotten.

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Dr. Harold H. Wingo

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