For a Safe South Africa

Tecart Publications

Do you have a safety education problem?

Dateline -- [Tecart Publications] today announced ...

[A recent survey held in a large manufacturing plant in Natal revealed that workers, although generally safety conscious, ie, self preservation, knew little about overall safety. Few were able to recall the theme of their current safety propaganda program

When Tecart imagery was introduced in the safety propaganda, interest was almost immediately apparent.

Tecart posters can promote and enance safety education. Below are listed the advantages afforded by Tecart posters.

1. Not mass produced. Designed for you and your needs. ( general themes are available)

2. Personalised, applicable to your company, relevant to your particular industry or specific operation.

3. Use of recognisable images and locations, eg, often a "personality" is used who is shown working in your environment in specified jobs or operations. This highlights the risks in these areas.

4. Images a multi-cultural workforce can relate to.

5. As in 3, emphasis of specific risks, employees become more aware of the risks in their jobs.

6. Highlighting the effects of bad safety practices and the effect on fellow workers

7. Use of topics or monthly themes spotlighting weak areas.

For example, Eye injuries.......Hand tools.........Safety equipment.....Hygiene...etc..,

8. Can be integrated with simple competitions to involve employees there-by providing incentives to become more safety conscious.

9. Permanent. Each poster is sealed laminate, cleanable and useable even in adverse conditions. Can be used in a light box display

Contact me and tell me about the areas that concern you. I will be pleased to discuss them with you.]

[Tecart] is a reliable supplier of safety education products to industry. It has a history of successful integration of visual imagery into new and existing safety programs.

For Further Information Contact:

[Tecart Publications]
[115 Lancaster Grove Durban North Kwa Zulu Natal Rep of South Africa.]
Tel: [Pending]
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