The picture on the left was purportedly taken of Hanuman in a cave in Manasarovar in the Himalayas. When on Sunday the 9th May, 1999, I saw this strange picture of Hanuman reading the Ramayana, in the house of Sri V. Srinivasan at Rohini in North-West Delhi, I was awe-struck. I had never seen this picture before.Also there is a board on the outside door of his flat which reads "Prasanthi Nilayam" ! Mr. Srinivasan is a staunch Sai-devotee and is an ailing person. He suffered due to some spinal chord problem (tail knot). He told me that Swami though has cured him to a great extent, has told him that he has to still suffer for some more time to finish off his karma. He had installed a big lingam on this Maha Sivarathri day as pre-told by Swami ( He received it from some one on January 30th, again as pre-told by Swami). He has been daily doing "Abhisheka" and "Puja" to this Lingam. Susequently this Lingam produced 6 small lingams (one of which I know was received by one Mr. Rastogi).

Mr. Srinivasan told me a story about this Hanuman, whose picture he has kept in his Puja room along with the pictures of Swami and other forms of God. It appears that a person out of a group who visited the Manasarovar took a photograph of this "Hanuman" in flesh form (or Astral form?) and for some strange unexplained reason died. This picture was developed and printed from out of the roll of that camera.

On 18th, Tuesday, 1999 I received from Sister Bhuvana the same picture , in response to my posting on the net about this Hanuman. She had got this from some body else. I reproduce below what she heard.

"This is the latest thing going on here. A group of people went to Manas-sarovar for a piligrimage trip. One of the person there is a Upasaka of Hanuman. He was exploring some caves and accidentally bounced upon a being looking like Lord Hanuman. All of them had cameras and this person happend to click the camera and died there for reasons not known. The other persons fished him out and the camera and here is the picture the camera showed. I do not know how much it is true but many people are believing it. It is a fact that Hanuman does exist in flesh and blood because he is a Chiranjeevi".

This is what now I have got from a person who says it is one of the few originals of the Hanuman photos. The government of India every year during the summer "before the onslaught of monsoon", gives permissions after medical check up, to selected individuals and send them in groups to Manasarovar. Such groups necessarily will consist of different nationalities, and different people from different regions of India. This photograph appears to have been taken by a person during the summer of 1998. It is said that He saw a light inside a cave and he clicked the light and he died (This part every one is confirming). Later the friends developed the roll from the camera and got this print!.

The photo is as thrilling as the anecdote. I have not yet given up the quest for accuracy of details. I have also posted above a beautiful picture of Sathya Sai and Shridi Sai given to me by the same person. Please have divine bliss!

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