[Your company name here:]
Services, Inc.
[Use this space to sprinkle in some "extra" information: client testimonial, quotation, helpful hint, etc.

But whatever you write, write it well. As the English essayist
Samuel Johnson once warned:]

"What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure."

[Use this page as a public relations platform, offering your users the benefit of your knowledge. For example, a regular Q&A feature allows you to demonstrate your expertise and perform a community service.

Update this feature often -- and give your customers a reason to visit your site regularly:


Okay, so I've got a great looking GeoShops storefront from which I can peddle my services, but how can I ensure my site generates more business and reaches my target audience?

One great way to immediately generate interest in your site is to take advantage of your privileged standing in the GeoCities community. Make sure you choose the GeoCities neighborhood that best represents your service offerings and become an active owner of this valuable real estate by registering your store under three topic categories. The GeoShops Neighborhood Directory will focus vistors interested in your topics directly to your store. And with 10 million GeoCities vistors each month, you've already got a built-in prospective clientele! For more helpful marketing resources, check out our Resources page.

Ahn Lyne Celing
Marketing Specialist, GeoCities

[Whenever possible, arrange your "customer service" or "public relations" pieces into bullets or lists. It's the most "user friendly" format, for example:]


Cyberspace is the newest and most exciting business frontier in our galaxy, but tried-and-true marketing pratices remain the surest to selling your services online:
  • Develop a business plan. Take the time to write a business plan that answers the following questions: who are your target clients, and why should they retain your services and not your competitor's? If you don't know your market, how will you know how to reach them?
  • Create a budget. It's true: you have to spend money to make money. Knowing how much you need (and how much you have!) will help focus your marketing strategy.
  • Maintain a database of clients. Your clients are the lifeblood of your business. An updated database will allow you to keep in touch with them efficiently -- and regularly.
  • Track every sale. Where did they hear about you? How much did they spend? This invaluable information will point you towards a more intelligent sales strategy.
  • Keep the pipeline full. Your marketing efforts shouldn't stop simply because you've secured some short-term business. Plan ahead and maintain a consistent marketing strategy -- and your business (and cash flow) will remain steady throughout fluctuating market condidtions.
  • Ask for referrals and testamonials. Your current clients are your most effective salespeople. Publish their testimonials on your site, and regularly request referrals for new business.
  • Treat your clients well. They're all you've got. Don't take them for granted.
  • Study marketing techniques. No matter what service you provide you're also a salesperson. Become a student of marketing and regularly re-evaluate and refine your sales techniques. check out the Resources page for links to valuable marketing information and tools.

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