White and Turquoise and Gold Spider Web by Mary Beth

This piece is a variation on the Dream Catcher. It is constructed from 1/10 size seed and bugle beads. It is made from the white, turquoise and gold beads. The hoop is 7 inches in diameter.

It is told that it was Grandmother Spider who wove the universe. It is the spider who teaches us how to weave the web of our experiences. Grandmother Spider shows us how every circle we create grows to touch the circles created by other life forms. It is from these teaching that the Dream Catcher evolved. It has been said that the Dream Catcher was hung over the sleeping mats of small children. It was (is) used to catch all dreams that come in the night, both good and bad. The bad dreams would get caught in the webbing and be held there until sun rise, then they would be burned off. The good dreams were caught and knowing their way to the hole in the center would filter down and be held there until they were dreamed the next night.


Mary Beth constructs these Spider Webs in viabrant, rich colors. They are frequently available through the Ebay Auction Site. You can follow to Ebay through Mary Beth's Home Page. Or on ocassions Mary Beth does custom orders.

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