The Freimann Family Tree
Notes for Chanan (Hans) FREIMANN

General Note
Chanan (Hans) was born in Nurenberg and immigrated with his parents and his older brother, Yehuda, to Palestine in 1934.

He graduated the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem. Member of the "Zofim" youth-movement. Loved literature,classical music and art.

He joined the IDF airforce in August 1948, and in 1952 became leutenant and flight instructor.

(Finished "Kurs Tayis No . 3 " 12.4.51, and became instructor at Kanaf 12)

During that year, in his free time, he translated a book that he loved , "12 O'clock High" into Hebrew.

On May 14th 1952 his plane crashed into the sea, south of Nebi Rubin, and he was killed. He was burried alongside with his brother Yehuda on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

Death Note
Chanan was a flight instructor in the Israeli Airforce, and died when his aircraft crashed into the Mediterranean , South of Nebi Rubin, near Palmachim.

Welcome to the Freimann family tree web-site. This site contains genealogical data of individuals related to my family , the Freimanns and the Katzenbergers from Germany , as well as my wife's family , the Lasnicks. I wish to thank Thea and Heinz Skyte , who have done a remarkable research on the Jewish Community of Sugenheim, for so generously sharing their "Freimann" data with me. Special gratitude also goes to David Seldner, my friend and cousin , and to Christiane Kohl , for their crucial help and contribution to the "Katzenberger" research. If you have any information or connections to the above individuals, please let me know. Thank you. Joach Freimann , Israel.

Web page built by Cumberland Family Tree, 29 Sep 2005