Philosophy of Upanishad

History OF Upanishad*

In ancient times due to lack of recording methods the Knowledge which was gathered, was passed on from one generation to other. Thus Knowledge was in the scatterred form. Which later on was gathered and for convenience, Sage Vyasa divided it in to four parts and assigned each part to his four disciples for propagation.

The four parts named were:

1)Rig Veda
2)Sam Veda
3)Yajur Veda
4)Atharva Veda

(the word Veda derived from the root vid meaning "to know")

Subsequently, it got recorded when recording devices were invented. In general the Vedas are such records.

The Upanishads being the end part of them were known as vedanta. The word anta meaning "end". Thus Upanishad are one which are at the end part of Vedas.

Traditionally the desciple sits near the preceptor to receive the knowledge through the study of vedanta. Hence these were later known as Upanishad Philosophy studies the fundamental nature of existence, of man, and man's relationship to existence.

Upanishads also are nothing but Philosophical treatise.They deal with the existence as a whole and man's relation with the same.

They deal with the knowledge of birth and death and rebirth.

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