Gaby & Katy Get Married

August 15, 1997
La Habana, Cuba

Although I've been to so many countries and seen so many different things, there is always something new to surprise me.

When I found out that Gabriel Rosell would get married to Katya on August 15th, I saw this as a good reason to visit yet another country (country #37 on my list.) Only a few days before, I received a post card from Gaby saying how much he missed the experience in Tampere, Finland during the last year and that if I could ever come to Cuba, I would be most welcome in his home. Almost the next day I received an e-mail from a friend Shin Honda in Japan that Gaby would tie the knot.

I made travel arrangements, then phoned to Gaby to see if everything was ok, and of course, where to find the wedding.

Gaby met us at the airport and we were quickly escorted to the home of Katya's mother and step-father, with whom the newlyweds will reside. We spent the night after an interesting dinner of egg tortilla, potatoes and cheese/guarana dessert.

The next day was spent at the beach just east of Alamar (the neighbourhood where the couple are living.) Although it was a very hot day, the water and sun felt good. This particular beach is rated as the best that Cuba has to offer. It was great.

Gaby arranged for accomodations for us in central Havana for the rest of the stay. They had received a gift of hotel accomodations in Old Havana for two nights before the wedding ceremony, and in central Havana following the ceremony.

The wedding took place at a 'wedding house' where an officer of the government read them the marriage laws and got them to sign into the registry book. Gaby wore a new dark-grey suit and Katy a white wedding dress (short cut) and a veil. Following the ceremony, the 100 or so guests travelled across town to a discoteque that had been rented for the reception. The party included light lunch, cake and rum punch.

Gabriel will continue his teaching at University of Havana in September and Katya works for a company in computer support and sales (also in Havana.)

There really isn't that much else to say. I think that they will be very good together. Gaby hasn't changed form the guy we all got to know in Tampere.

Send him best wishes (address in the International Student Handbook or by request) or give them a phone call some time. They are easy to reach in the evening.

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