
Fall 1999
Spring 1999

The Seaton Trail, Pickering, Ontario

Log of Hike
October 22-24, 1999
Kyle Attanasio
2nd Whitby Fire Venturers

October 22
10:24 P.M.    We're on our way to the Seaton trail. Trail head is off Hwy. 7, 12 km east of Markham in the village of Green River.
10:47 P.M.    We arrive at the trail only to discover that camping is prohibited.
11:09 P.M.    Fortunately, we had an alternative plan that involved  camping on private land in a nearby forest for the night.
11:58 P.M.    Finished setting up tent and went to sleep.

October 23
09:11 A.M.    Woke up refreshed and ready for the first day's portion of the hike.
10:39A.M.    After breakfast, we made our way to the Seaton Trail, ready for the challenging hike.
11:21 A.M.    We have been hiking for a short period of time and we might already be lost. After crossing the river on a large log, Brian has lead us into the African serengheti. Well at least it feels like the serengheti. It's really just a marshland full of high grass, like 1 1/2 - 2 metres high.
11:52 A.M.    After our near fatal experience, we came to a beautiful waterfall created by a 4 m. high dam. The trail said to cross the river but after attempting it we chose to go around.
12:12 P.M.    We then followed the trail up a hill until we came out onto a farmer's cornfield. We quietly crept around the field and crossed his front lawn. We then came to a road. We followed the road for ten minutes before finding another entrance to the Seaton Trail. We then decided to take a break.
01:03P.M.    After our break we made our way back onto the trail and crossed the river once again. Like before we found ourselves in a cornfield. We made our way through and found the path once again. We hiked up some treacherous hills before finally reaching the top of a gorge. The view was truly magnificent. After resting periodically, we made our way down the hill and went under the Taunton Rd./Steeles Ave. bridge.
02:15 P.M.    We made our way under another bridge and decided we'd stop for lunch. We had soup and Zoodles.
03:32 P.M.    We have some trouble finding the trail but finally get back on it.
04:00 P.M.    We have just finished climbing the hardest hill yet and it knocked the wind out of both of us. We'll be here for a while.
04:37 P.M.    We come to somewhat of a cave right in the middle of a huge flat mountain. It appeared as if the mountain had been cut in half.
05:10 P.M.    We cross underneath a railway. We know that we are heading near the end of our hike for the day.
05:46 P.M.    We see the parking lot in the distance.
05:52 P.M.    We finally have finished our hike only to discover that we are now 14 km. (by road) from our parking lot.
06:08 P.M.    We call Brian's brother to pick us up. After hiking a ten kilometre trail not counting our various detours, there was no way we were hiking back.
07:02 P.M.    We have been dropped off at the right parking lot and load our gear up. We estimate the hike was probably sixteen kilometres.
07:40 P.M.    We are both exhausted from the day's hike that we decide to stop by at the nearest fast food restaurant. We stopped at Dairy Queen for some icy cool treats.
08:56 P.M.    After loitering in the Dairy Queen for about an hour, we depart back for the forest.
09:27 P.M.    We arrive back at the forest and realize that we don't want to do anything physical, so we play poker instead.
10:34 P.M.    I go to sleep.

October 24
10:12 A.M.    I sure slept a long time. Time for breakfast.

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