Professional Profile

Allie Hafez OTR/L, CDMS, CCM

Education || Credentials || Professional Experience

Workshops / Presentations || Professional Affiliations || Published Work


B.A. Psychology: York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

B.S. Occupational Therapy: Eastern Michigan University; Ypsilanti, Michigan


Occupational Therapist, Registered (OTR)
Occupational Therapist, Licensed (/L)
Certified Disability Management Specialist (CDMS)
Certified Case Manager (CCM)
Qualified Rehabilitation Consultant (QRC)
Qualified Rehabilitation Consulting Firm

Professional Experience

Founder/President: Vital Link Consulting

Qualified Rehabilitation Consultant (QRC)

Qualified Rehabilitation Consultant Intern

Occupational Therapy Consultant

Director of Occupational Therapy

Unit Supervisor/Residential Treatment Counselor

Shift Supervisor/Residential Treatment Counselor

Professional Affiliations

American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA): 1980-present

Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association: 1982– present

Occupational Therapist Case Manager (OTCM) Network:1996 - present

RESNA (Association for the Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology): 1982 - present

Case Management Society of America (CMSA): 1994 - present

Appointed Member, Community Health Advisory Sub-Committee, Scott County Human Services Advisory Council : 1999 - present

Appointed Member, Minority Health Advisory Committee, Minnesota Department of Health: 2000 - present

National and Minnesota Head Injury Associations1988 - present

University of Minnesota Program in Occupational Therapy "Webmistress": 1997 - present
University of Minnesota - Program of Mortuary Science "Webmistress": 1999 - present

American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine(ACRM): 1983 – 1998

Human Resources Professionals of Minnesota: 1984 - 1996

Manufacturer's Alliance Speakers' Bureau, Minneapolis: 1991 - 1993

Minnesota Association of Rehabilitation Providers(a chapter of IARP)1991 - present

St. Paul Mayor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities: 1991 - 1993

Management Assistance Project: 1991 - present

Kaleidoscope Board of Directors 1994-1997

Open Circle Senior Day Program Board of Directors: 1994-present

Central Hennepin Human Services Council1989 - 1991

Helping Paws of Minnesota - dog-client Match Screening Committee, 1989 - 1990

International Association of Personnel Women1984 - 1990

Michigan Occupational Therapy Association1980 - 1982

Workshops / Presentations

"The Depth and Breadth of OT" (with Susan Brockman)

"Occupational Therapy in Industrial Rehabilitation in the U.S.: State of the Art and Lessons Learned"

"Coordinating Company Policies with FMLA, Workers' Compensation and ADA"

"ADA Update."

"Preserving Practice Niches: A Cautionary Tale"

"Strategies for Dealing with Manipulative Clients"

"Dealing with the Manipulative Resident."

"ADA: Implications for Employers."

"ADA: Silver Linings in the Regulatory Clouds."

"When a Patient is a Possible Substance Abuser: What's an OT to Do?"

"Workers' Compensation Claims Reduction"

"ADA and Implications for Placement Vendors"

"Practical Ergonomics for QRCs"

"Intervention with Chemically Abusive/dependent Clients for Occupational Therapists without Chemical Dependency Counselor certification."

"Workers' Compensation and ADA: Controlling New Costs and Claims."

Facilitator: "Chemical Abuse and the Physically Disabled."

Member, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry QRC Training Committee: 1990 - 1993

"Injury Prevention."

Instructor: The Management Center, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN: 1990 - 1994

"Disabilities in the Workplace: The Bottom Line."

"Occupational Therapy and the Minnesota Workers' Compensation System."

"Problems of and Approaches to Provision of Rehabilitation Services in the Absence of Resources."

"Introduction to Ergonomics and Job Analysis."

"The Role of the Occupational Therapist in a Vocational Program for Developmentally Disabled Adults."

Published Work

Strategies for Effective Communication - Parts 1 & 2 with Staci Silverman. - online editions, May 5 & May 19, 2000.

"Distinguishing OT from Other Disciplines" (originally published at Occupational Therapy Movers & Shakers) - 1999

"Emerging Markets for OTs: Case Management" LOTA News Louisiana OT Association Newsletter, Fall, 1998 Volume 10, No. 4; pp. 2, 10-11

"Spirituality in Occupational Therapy Practice - the Discussion Continues." OT Practice "Postings", June, 1998.

"A Case Study in Activism" ADVANCE for OTs - May 18, 1998. Available online

"Occupational Therapists: Essential Team Members as Service Providers and Case Managers" (co-authored with Susan Brockman.)

"OTCM Newsletter"

"Just Who is Really Thinking Futuristically?"

"Opening Doors to Home Rehab."

"'From Hell to Heaven' a 'Pleasure to Read.'"

"In Case Management, OT Has No Image."

"Has OT Found a Model for Spiritual Evaluation?"

"Cultural Diversity and Employees with Disabilities."

"It Really Is a Jungle Out There."

"What Can We Do About Second Shift Syndrome?"

"Gearing Up for The Americans with Disabilities Act."

"Retaining or Hiring Disabled Employees."

"Retaining or Hiring Disabled Employees: A Human Resource Challenge."

"Occupational Therapist Becomes Qualified Rehabilitation Consultant."

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Site Index:

Vital Link Consulting logoMy Company, Vital Link Consulting
Wearable Art cardMy Wearable Art Creations
Meaning of the initials OTR, CDMS, CCM
My Professional Interests and Activities
My Professional Profile (resume)
Download membership questionnaire for OT Case Manager Network
Links to more info. about Occupational Therapy
List of articles about Case Management and OTs as Case Managers
Essay: "Distinguishing OT from other Disciplines"
Article: "A Case Study in [OT] Activism"
Article: "Occupational Therapists: Essential Team Members as Service Providers and Case Managers"
General Information about me
My Avocational / Leisure Occupations

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Professional Profile
Web Page by A. Hafez OTR/L, CDMS, CCM (
Page Updated: August, 2000

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