Overseer's Office

N. S. Zrinskog 19

32100 VINKOVCI, Croatia

War report

Vinkovci is in the eastern region of Croatia, on the very front line. After a day of a terrible mortar-shelling of the town it was on the 15th of September 1991 that the general and the air-raid alert was sounded and the first shells came down on the city at 9 a.m. In spite of the danger we went to church. Only a few people came, and we worshiped while the shelling continued. The alert continued troughout the day, and so the afternoon service was cancelled.

At 7:30 p.m., the sister who lived on the church permises telephoned and said she saw flames. She was in the cellar at the time. She was told to see what was happening, and she reported that the meeting room was on fire. As the shelling continued with intensity, the fire brigade was unable to fight the fire. The next day when the shelling had subsided, we went to the meeting-room and found that only the charred walls of the meeting-room remained.

Since the shelling of Vinkovci was daily and intense and the majority of our church members had become displaced/driven away (refugees), we could not hold services until February 1992 when an agreement with Reverend Endre Langh was reached to resume services in the meeting room of his congregation which though damaged yet gave the opportunity to hold services.

Since February 1992 we have held our worship services together with the Reformed Christian Church in Croatia in this area. We hope to continue this valuable cooperation for which I am very gratefull to God.

During the summer, it was confortable enough for people to stand outside the doors and at the windows, but by the time colder weather arrived in autumn there was the need for another arrangement. Then we adapted an old house on the building-site we had previously purchased to build a new church building. But now that location has become too small. In the meeting room which normaly can only hold 80 people, 150 people are now crouded inside.

We ask you to pray with us to know God's timing in the construction of a new church building when the situation allows this opportunity. Enclosed are photos of the destroyed meeting room, our present worship location and drawings and plans for a new church. Every contribution from you will be very much appreciated, and we shall pray to God that our heavenly Father will reachly reward and bless you. We are grateful for all your prayers and help. (To the right is our vision for new church building).

In Vinkovci, May 13, 1993

Sincerely yours,

Josip Jendričko, Overseer

"End of war"

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