Overseer's Office

N. S. Zrinskog 19

32100 VINKOVCI, Croatia

After war report

Since my last report, May 13, 1993, certain things have changed for the better. Thank God! The war is over and the Danube Valley is being peacefully, gradually re-integrated into Croatia. Our worship services, which we still have together with the Reformed Church, are well attended. The meeting-room we have been using since October '95 is small and overcrowded. It was in October that we began building our new church building with 360 seats. The concrete and reinforce stgructure had been finished and we began putting up the brick walls.

Thank God that by His miracle our fund can cover the brick-works, but without the roofing. We trust our Lord will continue supporting us, and at the same time we hope that you will help us as well.

We shall inform you about the progress of building in due course of time. We shall appreciate any further contact and co-operation in the work of God's vineyard in this part of the world.

May the Lord continue blessing you.

In Vinkovci, July 15, 1996

Sincerely yours,

Josip Jendricko, Overseer

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