FAVORITE COLORS: Black, Olive Green, Blue
FAVORITE RAP: Levert, Two-Pac, Public Enemy
FAVORITE EASY LISTENING: James Taylor, Johnny Lang
FAVORITE BIRD: Blue Tahitian Lory and Hyacinth Macaw
FAVORITE CARs: 1980 Corvetteclick here
Age: 33.
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Light Brown
Height: 5 feet 5 inches
Tattoos: 3
REAL NICK: Tootie - beware of the backlash if you decide to call her this.....only her family and bestest buds call her this with any sense of security
Mother: Uptight
Father: We know where Ann gets her partiing habbits from
Predjudices: Ignorant and Predjudiced People
Likes: Chillin click here
Movies: My Best Friend's Wedding
Fun Stuff: Riding my new Harley Davidson Low Ryder
Favorite Bike: Harley Davidson
Favorite Summer/Fall Activities: Laconia - Bike Week
Favorite Food: Grilled Mahi Mahi
Hates: Ice Cream, Pizza Cheese, fried food - Mickey D's - greasy foods
True friends come along few and far between and Ann is one of those people. She's caring, passionate (very passionate and she hates to admit to this, shy we guess). EXT-EXT-EXTREMELY competative in every sport she participates in, this comes from always trying to keep up with her brother and guy friends She loves to joke around and doodles like crazi when she's board, watchout guys if you see her doodling on napkins (a trait she picked up in history class)click here. She has a very energetic personality and she hates to sit still. She is a blast to party with and we think everyone should have a kooky blonde like Ann. On the flip side she can be very serious when the situation arises. She tells it like it is and will often speak her mind when it doesn't concern her own feelings, that she is closed mouth about.
Considering her background (grew up in the projects, a city gurl - ONE TOUGH KOOKY BLOND), she would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it.
Ann loves kids(click here) and her birds(click here), this is clearly evident in every facet of her daily life. Did you ever hear the saying "You Get Out Of It What You Put Into It". Ann Marie puts 110% into everything she does and comes up whole everytime. She is not happy or content until the task completed is done to the best of her ability and she will go back and do it ova and ova and ova again till it is right. What most people avoid, she gets a kick out of demolishing, she's a very unique person.