Canadian Small Home Based Business Networking


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Profit From Your PC
Make your P.C.
work for you
(Coming soon!)

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Welcome to our Web Site

Our site will be targeted towards Small Home Based Businesses. This will be a site primarily for Canadian Home Based Businesses. Come on Canadian HBB's lets get to know each other!   

In Canada last year, more that 80,000 new business were started. One study estimates that there are home offices in 15% of Canadian homes. There has been an astonishing growth of self-employment among women. Take heart women - you are more likely than men to be successful. (continued...)


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Find out about the human side to the bits and bytes behind this site!


Toronto Trade Show
Stay tuned for our review of this trade show comming November 12 & 13th to the Metro Toronto Convention Center!

Home | Great Links | Networking

Helpful Hints | Money Matters


We are still in the process of moving in.  Please come back and visit, we will soon be up and running with some great Canadian resources for HBB's..

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