I have two wonderful children, a boy, 7 and a girl, 3. Oh, and a husband. HELP! I have been a stay-at-home mom for seven long years. I have tried my hand at several home based businesses, but found the isolation and lack of creative critism to be my biggest stumbling block. I'm a people person (euphemism for I love to talk) so going it alone was not for me.
I have spent the last 4 years as an active member of my community. I sit on many education committees, and I am actively involved in local politics, which has allowed me greater insite to government and the banks' lack of respect for home based businesses. I believe that with a strong united voice we can wake them up to the financial gold mine that lies waiting to be tapped into.
Tracey turned me on to computers about two years ago and I have discovered an amazing outlet for my creativity. Up to that point, my computer had been nothing more the place to write letters to family, reports and to "spell check " them without having to whip out a dictionary.
Thanks to Tracey and the computer specialist at my son's school, I have gained the skills needed to do more than just turn the computer on!
Between my political lobbying, and being the perfect mother and wife (yes, we eat off of paper plates too and I love Barney), I manage to find time to offer my computer talents, by being the writer, typist, and editor of various educational newsletters, developing and managing websites and educational chat forums from the up, all on a volunteer basis. Everyone has been telling me I could make money doing this - so world -- "Show Me The Money"!
Yes, "spell check" is still my very best friend, but I have now added so may other computer capibilities to my list of best friends. Networking provided me with the confidence and connections I needed to get in the GREEN!
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Welome (continued...)
Regretfully, this fact seems to have been lost on most financial institutions,
suppliers and potential clients. The vast majority of Home Businesses started by women are
done to provide needed income for their families and to fulfill their need for
independence. Far too often our businesses are seen as a "hobby". Together we
can change this!
We will do all we can in this Web Site to provide all Small Home
Businesses with the necessary steps, tools, advise, and listings of resources available to
help make your journey from employee to employer an attainable goal.
We hope that the information found within this Web Site, along with your skills and
commitment will empower you with the confidence and connections needed to be gainfully