As you can see I have been a busy girl, as always. *S* Listed below you will find some of the Sites that Crystal Creations by ~ Blue Velvet ~ has created. I had a wonderful time creating these sites, and was very happy to help out my friends with their Home Pages. Please take a moment to visit these wonderful people.
I would like to extend a very warm Thank You to the wonderful friends listed below. For, without their desire to have a Home Page...the birth of Crystal Creations by ~ Blue Velvet ~ would not be here.
I am in the process of creating a whole new Site which will make available to all, my background and border sets. I hope you come back soon to visit Crystal Creations by ~ Blue Velvet ~ My intention is to have enough sets made and available for you, to have this new site up in the next few months. In the meantime, if you have any questions or need something special, please feel free to E-Mail me below.