1)Accidental Benefit   2)Prescription Benefit    3)Dental Benefit 4)Vision Benefit          5)Medical Savings        6)Patient Advocacy 7)Accidental Death 8)Credit Union           9)Legal Services 10)Traffic Court     11)Acconting Services    12)Finance Planning 13)Auto Club* 14)Transmedia Dining Card 15)Hotel,Motel & Travel 16)Air Ambulance

1) Accidental Benefit

EMERGENCY CASH for injuries when you need it most! One out of four people will suffer from bodly injury every year.When it happens to you,will you be ready? NAPP purchases a group medical accident policy from a major insurance company to cover members. It pays 100% of all medically necessary expenses that re the result of an accident, up to $2,000. All you pay is $100 deductible! Did you know... that if you were to purchase this same accident benefit from tipical accident insurer it could cost you more than your etire NAPP membership dues?

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Save up to 40% on Precription Medications! Over 45,000 Pharmacies to Choose From! Prescription medications can be expensive.Now,with your NAPP membership, you get the Guaranteed Lowest Price! NAPP contracts with Rx Choice for discounts on prescriptions.Our members resive instant savings with no forms to fill out ! The savings based on 10% below average wholesaleprice(AWP) plus a small dispersing fee.The savings vary, but average about 18% off retail prices. This program may provide sighnificant discounts for many of your prescriptions.

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Save up to 40% NAPP members and their family: a)A FREE ORAL EXAM b)TWO FREE BITE-WING FILMS The dental fees are based on a fee schedule and provide savings of 20%-40% off retail prices.Patient savings may vary based on the exac procedures,actually performed and the location of the provider.Fees for specialists are a 20% discount off OFF THEIR USUAL office fees.

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Save up to 60% The NAPP Eye Care program offers you and your family immidiate savings o your eye care needs including eye exam, frames, lenses and contacts.save up to 65% on designer frames,45% on bifocal,20% on contact lenses and $5-$10 on eye examinations. NAPP is honored of locations nationalwide.You`ll find providers conviniently located in stores you know and trust like Sears , JCPenney, Roya Optical,Montgomery Ward and many others.

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Save up to 50% Have your medical bills ever exeeded your budget? how manny times have you been all caught up to your bills, only to be hit with another unforeseen medical expense that wipes out your savings? NAPP is here to help! NAPP providers an evarege 20% discount from over 200,000 doctors hospitals and other care facilities nationwide! The discount apply to your out of pocet expences! DOCTOR FEES*DENTAL FEES*NURSING HOMES* CHILBIRTH* HOSPITAL COSTS* MEDICATION* DIAGNOSTIC TESTS* HEARING AIDS* VISION CARE* CHIROPRACTOS* LECTIVE* *PHYSICAL THERAPY PROCEDURES* PLUS MORE!

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Have you ever needed help paying your medical bills? NAPP will negotiate with any provider on behalf of any member to reduce the charges ,arrange for a payment plan, or just get the provider to join NAPP and give the usual discounts and the expected quality care.

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Should anything ever happen to you ,could you family handle the final expenses alone? With NAPP ,you are protected with up to $ 10,000 Accidental Death &Dismemberment on each family member. PROTECT  YOUR  FAMILY  TODAY  AGAINST  THE UNEXPCTANCY OF TOMORROW.

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Resource One federal Credit Union Founded 1936 Partisipating members include Sears, Reebok and Company Microsoft Corparation(texas),Southland Corparation,Dean Witter Reynolds,Inc, Allstate Insuranse,Coldwell Banker, Chif Auto Parts and Budget Rent a Car. Wealh of Benefits. Free checking available, interest payd on account, low interest loans for new and used vehicles, convinience,direct diposit,payrol deduction, credit cards, fleet pricing on ne cars and tracks, special pricing on used, easy financing, signature loans.

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Telephone Legal Services You will receive toll-free telephone advice on how the low relates to your personsl legal matters and which action will be taken. Follow-up Calls/Correspondence You will receive legal services through follow-up telephone calls and correspondence to third parties related to your personal legal matters. Document Prearation Assitance with the preparation on review of the follwing documents: ~Special Powers of Attorney and Revocations ~Chidcare Authorizations ~Credit report requests ~Challenge to denial of credit ~Bad check notice ~Promissory notes and affidavits related to your personal property ~Credit card injury ~Bills of sale related to your personal property Document Review You will receive a review of legal documents up to four pages related to your personal legal matters ,exept those related to trusts or real estate property transfer. Standard Will Package & Telephone Legal Assistance You wil receive,upon your request ,a stndard will packige and legal assistance from a telephon legal access law firm which includes and entitles you to the preparation and review of: Standard Will documents including: ~Testamentary trusts for minor children ~Specific bequest ~Durable Power of Attorney ~Health care Power of Attorey and revocation ~Living Wills, advanced health care directives Electronic Storage You will receive electronic storage of your living wills and health care directives in the National Electronic Archive of Advance Directives(NEAAD) with 24-hour fax back acces in emergency cases.

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10)Traffic Court

Legal defence against traffic misdemeanor charges wich could directly result in the suspension or revocation of your driver`s privelege. Legal service and court representation prior to trial. (Paid-in-full$400)Court representation in trial . (Paid-in full $1200) Legal disputes involving the suspension or revocation of your drivingprivelege in administrative hearing,including advice, negotiation and office work. Representation at administrative hearing (Paid-in full $720) (Indemnity benefits are paid at $60 per hour up to the stated amounts. Trial indemenity benefits for up to 3 days of trial included in this amount at $200 per1/2 day of trial)

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11)Accounting Services

You will receive unlimited toll-free telephone tax advice and consultation from a Sertified Public Accountan on questions about personal federal and/or state issues and tax return filling instractions.

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12)Financial Planing

You will recieive services frof Ceritified Financial Planner of Arthur Anderson& Company to help evaluate options in Retirement Planning,Educational Planning and investment Planing. ~Personalized financial profiles to identify financial condition. ~Strategic suggestionto meetfinancial goals and objectives ~Interactive computer sofware ~Quarterly financial planing newsletters

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13)Auto Club

Ever had car trouble? You will reciev Emergency Road Service including towing assistance --up to$130 per tow--jump start/batary ,locksmith, tire repair, mecanical assistance, and ambulance services. Rand McNally Trip Planning. 20% Savings on car rental at Major Rental Agencies, Legal Defence and Security Benefits including: ~Trafic violation defense ~New car warranty up to $1,000 ~Defense up to $1,000 ~Uninsured motirist up to $500 ~Arrest Bond up to $1,000 ~Auto theft reward up to $5,000 ~Hit and run reward up to $5,000 ~Bail bond up to $10,000 ~$1,500 emergency travel ~Membership ID card ~Lost Key Return Service ~New and Used Car Pricing and Purshuasing Service ~All of this services available 24-hours a day! ~Enjoy the convinience& security of an auto club!

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14)Transmedia Dining Card

20% Guaranteed Savings! Choose from 7,000 restaurants across the USA and around the world.Thre are no cupon books and no blackout dates. Eat at some of the finest restaurants....Pay with your Transmedia Card and save 20%! When you enroll, link your NAPP/Trasmedia Card to your credit card of choice(Visa,Mastercard,discover,American express). On your next billing statment,both yor restaurant charges and 20% savings will automticly appear (only tax gratuity are excluded).

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15)Hotel, Motel, & Travel

Guaranteed lowest rates on domestic air fares! Travel:Cash rebate on airlines ,car rental discounts and personalzed trip planing. PLUS Bonus-Discunt cruises and vacation tours,frequent flyer miles. Save up to 40% at thousands of hotels worldwide!

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16) Air Ambulance

Air Ambulance Flights usualy require cash in advance before any services can be provided. Air ambulance flights are often necessary in nearly all serious cardiac complication, orthopedic reconstructions, and serios acidents andilliness that occur: ~Emergency air transportation ~Emergency Accomodation Expenses ~Minor Child Return with Escort ~Mortal Remance Transport ~Tranportation of Family ~Vihicle Return ~24 Hours Telephone Service ~Emergency Cash Advance

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