Dear Geocitizens et al Guests,

We were named Nataliya (nicknames Natasha, Nata) and Yurii (Yura). We have 14' years "baby" Evgeny (Zheka) who is getting over his turning-points more or less well. Yuri has two more kids - Natasha and Aleksey (Alesha) of his first marrige who have made us happy with now only 5 (five) grandkids. They all have visited us this summer and left us just a week ago for Kiev (better to pronounce "Kyiv" according to Ukrainian language) where they live. Our intelligent doggy Cardy represents well a new breed recognized here as a "jolly odessit".
We live in original true Odessa, Ukraine - not in one of many all-over-the world Odessas founded by true odessits. Our apartment housing is located on famous French Blvd just in a few minutes walk of beutiful beach "Dolphin". Almost subtropical very blue "Black Sea" is here.
Three non-stop PCs eat electricity in our apartment - two Pentiums and 486 together with 3 HP printers, HP ScanJet 5P, 2 Faxmachines on both phone lines etc. Natasha began binary code, Algol-60, and Fortran II programming in 1970 on one of the ealiest soviet monstr M-220. Yuri was first engaged with two americans - Univac and Burroughs 220 with Algol-58 and Fortruncible programming during his one year graduate study at Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio, USA and worked afterall on very first public available soviet computers M-50 and M-20 up to BESM 6(7) and ES 1060 which is closed to IBM 360/370 used also during his several occasional short research visits abroad. Thus, we both have became chained to "iron" and now Alesha and Zheka have joined us already.
Both again, we work at Department of Molecular Electronics, Odessa State University. Natasha serves as Associate Professor giving computer sciences courses for chemists and natural philosophers. Yuri still serves as Head of the Department giving basic and advanced courses in Quantum and Computational Chemistry. As University lecturers and researchers, we are not socially and financially supported by the State nowadays. This is why we have registrated very small family-based office titled "Kruglyak Research and Teaching" to serve people with our knowledge and skills.

You are in the office now and you are highly welcome. We would be glad to be in touch with you and will try to do our best for you.

Welcome !

Natasha, Yuri, Alesha, and Zheka Kruglyak
on French Blvd in Odessa, Ukraine
October 6th, 1997

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