Multan, Pakistan Weather Forecast                                    


           Multan Pakistan

            (Mango  Kinnow )           


 Irshad Gardezi next to Samer Bahest Chausa at Farm                                                                   


                             Love the sweetness of Mango and spared  universal love and respect for all creation.

All over the world more mangos are eaten fresh than any other fruit!

Chausa,  Langra, Sindhri are The Best. Mango. pdf files  

Our objective is to have plants in a healthy state so that fruit quality and yield will be maximized. A healthy plant  free of pests

 and diseases, is trained to maximize light interception, has a balance between vegetative and reproductive growth, and has

 its nutritional needs satisfied.  In 1935 my father Mumtaz h.Gardezi added grafted mango (Langra&Malda) in the self-

cultivated farm .My brother Sajid Raza Gardezi stocked mango plants in 1963 in the farm on commercial scale. I joined him in

 1970 and started making effort in new dimensions.We then brought in few tested varieties of mango plants i.e., Samer Bahest

 Chausa ,  Langra, Dussahri Sindhri and Fajri Kala chausa(late)White chausa (late) black chausa as these are good in quality,

 productivity and suitable for the local climate of Multan. (Pakistan)  We have mixed tree orchard mango and kinnow orchard

 and so far the results are encouraging .But as tree comes to close we are removing kinnow trees leaveing mango trees only .

The Mango Nutritional Value

The mango fruit is a large, fleshy drupe, containing an edible mesocarp of varying thickness. Fruit color is genotype-

dependant and range from green, greenish-yellow, yellow and red blush. The exocarp is thick and glandular. The mesocarp

 can be fibrous or fiber-free with flavor ranging from turpentine to sweet. The endocarp is woody, thick and fibrous. No part

 of the fruit is wasted. The seed is used for extraction of the starch 'amchur', and the peels have been used as a source of

 anacardic acid. The mango wood is of low quality and the bark of the tree is an important source of tannins for curing

 leather. Mango fruit contains amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, minerals, organic acids, proteins and vitamins. During

 the ripening process, the fruit are initially acidic, astringent and rich in ascorbic acid. Following fruit set, starch accumulates

 in the mesocarp. Free sugars, including glucose, fructose and sucrose generally increase during ripening  

giving the fruit a turpentine to sweet tasting flavor varying with species. The fruit is picked from the tree prior to ripening for

 export to other market places throughout the world. The fruit will turn colors during the ripening stage even after its

 removal from the tree. Mangoes are an important component of the diet in many less developed countries in the tropics and

 subtropics. In regions of the world that have experienced low living standards and serious nutrition deficiencies , the

 mangoes attractiveness and flavor have also enhanced the quality of life.


The mango is native to southern Asia, especially Burma, eastern India and Pakistan. It spread early on to Malaya, eastern Asia

 and other countries. The Pakistani and Indian Mangos have less tolerance against humidity and the bright red flushes of trees

 are subject to mildew. Most mango trees in Multan area are monoembryonic with single embrgo of highbrid origin can not

 produce true from the seed. Grafting onto the seedling roots stock is dun to get the plants.The desired mango variety

 grafting material (called "scion  wood") from proven trees  must be grafted onto a young seedling. We are continuously

 planting seeds and grafting,  selecting varieties that produce on and off-season fruit.Mangos are considered by many as the

 most delicious of all fruit.Mangos basically require a frost-free climate. Flowers and small fruit can be killed if temperature

 drops below 40° F, even for a short period. Young trees may be seriously damaged if the temperature drop below 30° F, but

 mature trees may withstand for a very short periods in temperature as low as 25° F. The mangos must have warm, dry

 weather to set fruit. In summer and following cool summer fog as well as Wet and humid weather can cause growth

 of anthracnose consequently poor fruit set after ward. Dwarf cultivation is suitable in case more trees per acre are required

 Few known mango spices of trees are long-lived as long as 300 years which are still capable of fruit production In deep soil

 conditions where the taproot descends up to the depth of 20 ft and widely spread roots system the tree may gain the height

 of 50 feet up. Old mango trees at the ageof 250 years are still fruiting in a farm located at a distance of 12 miles north-eest

 of Multan at Sadder Pur which is quite close to my mango farm. The flowers are yellowish in inflorescences, which appears

 on branch terminals. Flies, bees act as pollinators which are responsible to maintain the cycle of nature. FLOWERS. The

 pyramidal flower panicles borne on mature terminal branches contain several hundred pale pink to white flowers that are

 about 1/4 inch wide when open. Most of the flowers function as males and provide pollen, but some are bisexual and set

 fruit. Pollination is by flies, wasps, and bees.Some of the flowers in each inflorescence are perfect, so do not produce pollen

 and are incapable of producing fruit. Pollen cannot be shed in high humidity or rain.Mangos are monoecious and self-fertile.

 The quality of the fruit is based on the scarcity of fiber and the taste. Some mango trees tend to be alternate bearing.

 Fertilization is also ineffective when night temperatures are below 55° F. For perfect growth, mango tree needs a deep soil

 to accommodate their extensive root systems. A pH between 5.5 and 7.5 is preferred. High Ph, soil may cause leaf tip burn.

 where soils contain high levels of salt soil organisms are killed or Mango and Kinnow  productivity is severely limited .The

 problem increase when this salt is brought to the soil surface by pumping ground water as we are doing to overcome water

 shortage from cannel water. Thus we have to treat the soil to keep it up to mark for trees . Trees also play a role in

 discharging ground water On our farm we always look on trees for salt angry .Mango trees are somewhat tolerant to

  alkalinity but make sure not to  exhausted the soil’s nutrients or access buildup  build-up of salt.

  Mango trees require regular applications of nitrogen fertilizer to promote healthy growth flushes and  flower production.

 The best available fertilizer for a mango plant is organic fertilizer. Sandy soils require more fertilizer than loam or clay. . My

 fertilizers feeding program for mangos is quite similar to one used for Kinnow and working satisfactory. But only in early

  summer.  Saving big mango trees from frost damage is still unknown to me and further studies are being carried out in that

 respect. Winter temperature below 30 degrees damage leaves and twigs Flowering and fruit ingare  seriously affected at

  temperatures below 40 degrees during bloom. Do not prune dead parts until the frost danger is over. Mango fruit matures

 in 100 to 150 days after flowering subject to various conditions. When the first fruit shows ripening color on tree, the fruit of

 that size and over may beremoved. Do not store below 50°F.The fruit ripens best if placed stem- end down in trays at room

 temperature with no air circulation so that fruit do not get dried off from outer layer. Irrigation, nutrition, pest spray, weeds

 and grass control are the main steps to be taken to improve the conditions for a mature mango tree.  Biennial bearing: The

 term biennial, alternate or irregularbearing generally signifies the tendency of mango trees to bear a heavy crop in one year

 (On year) and very little or no crop in the succeeding year (Off year). Most of the commercial varieties are biennial bearers.

 When a tree produces heavy crop in one season, it gets exhausted nutritionally and is unable to put forth new flush thereby

 failing to yield in the following season. The problem has been attributed to the causes like genetic, physiological,

 environmental and nutritional factors.For overcoming biennial bearing, deblossoming is recommended to reduce the crop

 load in the 'On' year such that it is balanced in the 'Off' year. Mature terminal branches bear pyramidal flower panicles that

 have several hundred white flowers that are about a 1/4 inch wide when open. Most of the flowers function as males by

 providing pollen, but some are bisexual and set fruit. Pollination is by flies, wasps, and bees.Proper maintenance of orchard

 by way of effectively controlling pests and diseases and regular cultural operations may also result in better performance of

 the tree every year. Fruit drop: Despite high fruit set initially, the ultimate retention is quite low in mango. The fruit drop is

 more or less a continuous process and can be classified into three groups: (i) Pinhead drop, (ii) Post-setting drop and (iii)

 May-month drop. The fruit drop in first two groups are insignificant compared to the third group which affects the final

 yield significantly and needs more attention. Embryo abortion, climatic factors, disturbed water relation, lack of

 nutrition, disease, pest and hormonal imbalancesare the major factors that lead to fruit drop. Midges, Mealybug ,caterpillars,

 leafhoppers, thrips midges and mites are the most important pests attacking mango inflorescences.Soil pH of 5.5 to 7.5 is

 preferred. Deep rich soils give the best production and fruit quality. Well drained soils are recommended.Dry weather during

 the flowering period is best for fruit production. Wind can damage flowers and reduce yields. Mango trees should be

 protected from strong winds, but windbreaks that shade or compete with them should be avoided



Fruit is borne on new season's growth and usually on the tips of the outer branches of the tree. Therefore, it is only necessary

 to lightly thin trees by removing weak, overcrowded or broken branches, keeping the centre of the tree open. Cut off

 branches which are too near the ground.Developing trees should be trained to eliminate low branches less than 2 feet from

 the ground, leaving three to four main branches on the trunk at different heights.  Pruning of well-formed older trees is

 usually confined to removal of dead branches. Pruning is preferably done after fruiting, before a growth flush occurs. Pruning

 can also be done to restrict tree size for small yards or when more than 35 trees per acre are planted.  Some delay in

 flowering can be expected from new growth produced in response to pruning. Postharvest pruning is a common practice The

 tree must receive full sun for optimum growth and fruiting. Mangos may be pruned to control size in early and late winter.

 Dead wood must be removed.



Fertilizer may be a 1:1:1 or 1:2:2 ratio formulation, such as 16-16-16 or 10-20-20 Or 17.9.17  NPK. During tree establishment,

 phosphorus (P) is important for root development. Young trees should receive 0.1 to 0.2 pound of N (e.g., 1 to 2 pounds of

 10-20-20 fertilizer) per year during the first year and 0.15 to 0.3 pound of N (e.g., 1.5 to 3 pounds of 10.20.20) during years

 two and three. The total annual amount of fertilizer should be divided into three or four applications, preferably applied

  before growth flushes are anticipated . Cover ground around with wheat straw or rice straw to release food slowly on each

 watering if termite is not there This method will discourage weed .Fruit  BEARING TREES. Nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) are

 needed by bearing trees for good yields. In general, bearing mango trees should receive about 1 pound of a complete

 fertilizer (containing N, P, and K) annually for each inch of trunk diameter measured 4 to 5 feet above ground level. Half

 of the fertilizer should be applied just before flowering and the rest applied after the crop is harvested.  Supplemental N

 should be applied just before flowering rather than during fall and winter when vegetative growth flushes rather than

 flowering occur. We apply N after harvest. Tip burn of leaves is due to potassium deficiency, moisture deficiency  

 (water stress) or salt accumulation can cause the damage. Extreme fluctuations in soil moisture should be avoided.

Plants may need a  heavy  watering to flush salts out of  the root zone. This may require an improvement in soil drainage .

  Slow-release fertilizer formulations are preferred, except for supplemental N applications,which should have rapid  release.

 Fertilizers should be spread in a zone directly beneath the leaf drip line and , if possible, application should be followed by

 irrigation.  Nitrogen fertilizer is used to promote healthy growth flushes and flower production. Micronutrients, especially

 iron, are also often necessary. A feeding program similar to one used for citrus is satisfactory on our farm as we have mixed

 mango and kinnow trees in every archer. Average 25 mango and 75 kinnow trees., Dont fertilize after midsummer. Organic

 fertilizers perform best on our farm but with Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) potassium (K) are needed by bearing trees for

 good yields. We give urea 2kg,SOP or MOP 1kg, DAP 1kg to mango trees according to size and age of the tree in early

 February. In April we give1kg.urea and after 15th August 1Kg. urea plus P & K if needed .Gypsum is spread in all archers in

 march and November according to the condition of soil two days before watering the fields. Application of farm yard

 manure  for improving soil health and water holding capacity of the soil we spread farm yard manure  in November three

 tractor trolley load or more if possible per archer. Young trees are sensitive to  over-fertilizing and are subject to fertilizer

 burn. Sandy soils require more fertilizer than loam or clay.


 Weed control is best down by spraying Round up when weeds are about one foot .After drying it give slow food to plants also

 as soil is not disturb plants roots are not damage and more bectera work . Frost Protection: For young trees up to 3 to 4 year

 required al around and overhead coverage coverage plus us straw trunk wraps. windbreaks that shade or compete with them

 should be avoided. Most of the field we use tractor with cultivator to remove the weeds. If needed  tractor with rote water.

 Under the mango trees hoeing is down manly more then 4 time in a year specially after the application of chemical fertilizer

 and farm yards manure .We have use Round up in some field to get red of weeds and found useful.


Irrigation is one of the most important criteria for successful regular, quality production fruit crops. To reducing the impact

 of drought two times more area can be irrigated with the drip system not yet tested in my area .Hold soil moisture  through

 mulching either with black polyethylene or grass mulch (10 kg/basin), growing cover crops or inter-culturing in the orchards

 Application of  silt  will improve the structure of soil and thus improve water-holding capacity of soil. We have planted all of

 our mango and kinnow trees in silt as we first dig a 3x3 ft hole on the ground and fill it with silt brought from  faraway site

 as our soil is hard clay .We also add silt to our fields to make it workable. Clay dust checking the transpiration loss of water

 from plant leaf surface thus may be acting as a anti-transparent. We apply irrigation water every week in summer as it is very

 hot in multan  area. Water applications timing is increased as we go close to winter .We have limited rainfall .Young mango

 trees should not lack water and should be applied  during the first year, every week or early if possible  Mature trees are

   more productive if irrigation water is withheld for at least two months before flowering. Although hot, dry weather

   is favorable to fruit development, supplementary irrigation between flowering and harvest is advisable for good yields.

 we have about 25 mangos and 75 kinnow per acre so we use irrigation water according to both trees need and time of year.


Mango pest

Mango suffers from  diseases at all stages of its life. All the parts of the plant, namely, trunk, branch, twig, ,petiole, flower

 leaf and fruit are attacked by  fungi, bacteria and algae. They cause several kinds of rot, die back, anthracnose, scab,

 necrosis, blotch, spots, mildew, etc. Some of these diseases like powdery mildew,midge , are of great economic importance

 as they cause heavy losses in mango production. Major diseases of mango and their control measures are discussed below

  It is important to make careful examination of trees for pest because the conditions change  each year and necessary change

 in spray program is required. Pakistani type typically have monoembryonic (single embryo) seeds, highly colored fruit and are

 subject to anthracnose disease.1.The largest problem of mango is anthracnose because it attacks all parts of the tree and

 is probably most damaging to the flower panicles.2.Powdery mildew can be a serious problem under conditions of high

 humidity and rainfall during bloom because the disease would limit fruit set. 3.Mites and scale insects can attack mango

 trees, but they rarely limit growth or production unless populations build to high levels. Populations of Pink mealybug is

 building up in cotton and kinnow and is threat to mango trees .

A.Powdery mildew (Oidium mangiferae Berthet) is one of the most serious diseases of mango affecting almost all the 

  varieties.symptom of the disease is the white superficial powdery fungal growth on leaves, stalks of panicles, flowers and

 young fruits. The affected flowers and fruits drop prematurely reducing the crop load considerably or might even prevent the

 fruit set. Rains or mists accompanied by cooler nights during flowering are congenial for the disease spread. The fungus

 acts as a parasite on young tissues of all parts of the inflorescence, leaves and fruits.The disease is reported to as high as 70-

80 per cent crop loss has been recorded on individual plant basis.

Control : Following three sprays of fungicides at 15 days interval recommended for effective control of the disease :

Check for some new affected  fungicide available in local  market.

Wettable sulphur 0.2 per cent (2 g Sulfex / lit. water).

2.Tridemorph 0.1 per cent ( 1 ml Calixin / lit.water).

3.Dinocap 0.1 per cent (1 ml / g Karathane / lit. water).

B. Anthracnose (Colletotrichum state of Glomerella cingulata Ston, Spaull and Schrenk) is of widespread occurrence.  The

 disease causes serious losses to young shoots, flowers  and fruits under favourable climatic conditions of high humidity,

 frequent rains and at temperature of 24 to 32°C. It is also affects fruits during storage. In humid, high-rainfall areas,

 anthracnose disease often damages or destroys both flowers and developing fruits.Repeated applications of systemic

 fungicides are the only effective treatment for anthracnose in the field. Depending on the prevailing weather conditions

 blossom blight may vary in severity from slight to a heavy infection of the panicles. Black spots develop on panicles as well as

 on fruits. Severe infection destroys the entire inflorescence resulting in no setting of fruits. Young infected fruits develop

 black spots, shrivel and drop off. Fruits infected at mature stage carry the fungus into storage and cause considerable loss

 during storage, transit and marketing. The fungus perpetuates on twigs and leaves of mango or other hosts. Varietal

 differences in susceptibility have been noted at my farm at Multan, maximum damage was observed on Chausa Since the

 fungus has a long saprophytic survival ability on dead twigs, the diseased twigs should be pruned and burnt along with fallen

 leaves for reducing the inoculum potential.


Check for some new affected  fungicide available in local  market.

Trees may be sprayed twice with Bavistin (0.1%) at 15

 days interval during flowering to control blossom infection. Spraying of copper fungicides (0.3%) is

 recommended for the control of foliar infection.

C.  Disorders  Mango malformation is widely prevalent in Asian cultivars, where more than 50 per cent of the trees suffer

 from this malady. The malformed panicles remain  unproductive and are characterized by a compact mass of male flowers,

 greenish in colour and stunted in growth. The main and secondary rachis are thick and short and bear flowers with relatively

 larger bracts, sepals and petals as compared to normal flowers. The malformed panicles remain intact on the trees for a

 considerable period. Though research efforts hither to have not been able to ascertain its etiology, the complexity of the

 disorder is attributed to cultural practices, nutritional, and to many other factors like mites, fungal and viral infestations and

 hormonal imbalance. The exact cause and control of the malady is yet to be established. However, some remedial measures

 are recommended as follows:

Check for some new affected  control available in local  market. if any.....

 Pruning of shoots bearing malformed panicles and deblossoming of early emerged/infested panicles.

INSECTICIDES  Paclobutrazol 23 SC  Dose/ha. (a.i.) 3.75 g – 10 g, For better fruit  set to avoid mango malformation .

D. Die back (Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat.) is one of the serious diseases of mango. The disease on the tree may

 be noticed at any time of the year but it is most conspicuous during Oct.-Nov. The disease is characterized by drying of twigs

 and branches followed by complete defoliation, which gives the tree an appearance of scorching by fire. The onset of die

 back becomes evident by discolouration and darkening of the bark. The dark area advances and young green twigs start

 withering first at the base and then extending outwards along the veins of leaf edges. The affected leaf turns brown and its

 margins roll upwards. At this stage, the twig or branch dies, shrivels and falls. This may be accompanied by exudation of

 gum. In old branches, brown streaking of vascular tissue is seen on splitting it longitudinally. The areas of cambium and

 phloem show brown discolouration and yellow gum like substance is found in some of the cells.

Control :Check for some new affected  control available in local  market. if any.....

 (i) Prune the diseased twigs and spray with copper oxychloride (0.3%) on infected trees.

  Pruning should be done in such a way that the twigs are removed 2-3 inches below the affected portion.

  (ii) In small plants, pruning of twigs is followed by pasting of copper oxychloride.

E.DIE BACK  of tree may be due to fungus verticillum albo-atrum. it block the water uptake,leaves wilt and die.

 Infected branches if cut shows brown vascular discoloration.

.Dieback of  mango may be trees may be due to prerce's disease (PD). No treatment exist for this bacteria. This

  Disease TYPICALLY kills are unproductive 2 to 3 years after infection. PD is caused by XYLALLA

 FASBIDIOSA  Bacterium that clogs a plant XYLEM are water connecting tissues and efficiently shut

 down its ability to take in water and nutrition .

F.Sooty mould (Meliola mangiferae) is common in the orchards where mealy bug, scale insect and hopper are not

 controlled efficiently. The disease in the field is recognized by the presence of a black velvety coating, i.e., sooty mould on

 the leaf surface. In severe cases the trees turn completely black due to the presence of mould over the entire surface of twigs

 and leaves. The severity of infection depends on the honeydew secretion by the above said insects. Honey dew secretions

 from insects stick to the leaf surface and provide necessary medium for fungal growth. The fungus is essentially

 saprophytic and is non-pathogenic because it does not derive nutrients from the host tissues. Although the fungus causes no

 direct damage, the photosynthetic activity of the leaf is adversely affected due to blockage of stomata.



Midges, caterpillars, leafhoppers, thrips ,Pink Mealybug and mites are the most important pests attacking mango G.Mango inflorescences.

 Blossom midge :  ( The mango inflorescence midge)(Ceccibomyiibae) Erosomyia indica Grover Diptera : cecidomyiidae)

 Dasineure mangiferae.  The mango gall midge or mango blister midge Erosomya mangiferae Felt, is a major pest, destroying

 flowers and up to 70% of set fruit . mangiferae  A midge is a tiny dipteran (two-winged) fly, a relative of the mosquito.Madge

 infestation followed a negative binomial. oviposition. The flies lay eggs singly on floral parts like tender inflorescence axis,

 newly set fruit or tender leaves encircling the inflorescence. The eggs hatch within 2-3 days. Upon hatching, the minute

 maggots penetrate the tender parts on which the eggs have been laid and feed on them. The floral parts finally dry up and are

 shed. The larval period varies from 7-10 days. The mature larvae drop down into the soil for pupation. The pupal period

 varies from 5-7 days. There are 3-4 overlapping generations of the pest spread over the period from January-March.

 Thereafter, as the weather conditions turn unfavourable, the mature larvae undergo diapause in   the soil instead of

 pupating. They break diapause on the arrival of favourable conditions in following January. The midge infests and damages

 the crop in three different stages. The first attack is at the floral bud burst stage. The eggs are laid on newly emerging

 inflorescence, Cecidomyiid eggs are normally laid in folds between sepals and petals of the flower buds. Larval feeding

 prevents flower opening and consequently also development of the fruit. That emergence of adults was higher at 24C and

 60–82% r.h. than at lower temperatures and relative humilities. the larvae tunnel the axis and thus destroy the inflorescence

 completely. The mature larvae make small exit holes in the axis of the inflorescence and slip down into the soil for pupation.

 The second attack of the midge takes place at fruit set. The eggs are laid on the newly set fruits and the young maggots bore

 into these tender fruits, which slowly turn yellow and finally drop. The third attack is on tender new leaves encircling the

 inflorescence. The most damaging one is the first attack in which the entire inflorescence is destroyed even before flowering

 and fruiting. The inflorescence shows stunted growth and its axis bends at the entrance point of the larvae. It finally dries up

 before flowering and fruit setting.The midge infests the newly emerged panicles by ovipositing at bud burst stage, and the

 first instar maggots bore into the growing panicle. Infested panicles have a characteristic right-angled bend, with a soiled

 exit hole, from which last instar maggots emerge to pupate in soil. The second generation then infests very young fruits,

 which eventually drop before the marble stage The biology and nature of damage of the pest was also observed. The midge

 had four larval instars, and field cage traps showed emergence of adults to be in the afternoon. Infestation was noticed at

 bud-burst stage, at fruit set and on tender leaves of new flushes. There are thousands of midge species, however those of

 most interest to us are members of the Ceratopogonidae family - the "Biting Midges". This family belongs to the genus

 Culicoides, which consists of over 800 species in total. These biting midges are equipped with very specialised mouths that

 enable them to pierce skin.


As the larvae pupate in the soil, ploughing of the orchards expose pupating as well as diapausing larvae to sun’s heat

 which kills them. Soil application of Methyl Parathion also kills pupating as well as diapausing larvae in the soil. The

 insecticide in the soil should be applied after monitoring larval population on white sheet below the tree. Spraying of 0.05 per

 cent Fenetrothion or 0.045 per cent Dimethoate or 0.04 per cent Diazinon at the bud burst stage of the inflorescence

 has been found effective in controlling the pest population. attempts at biological control of the midge in Oman are under

 way by introducing promising parasites from India. Species so far released in Oman are Chrysonotomyia pulcherrima, C. sp.

 near pulcherrima, E. sp. near testaceiventris, I. ocularc and Ormyrus sp. Look for:

1. Mites:   Look for mites on upper leaf surface, along-side of midrib near terminus of leaf

2. Scales:  Leaf surfaces( upper and lower) 3. thrips :   Lower leaf surfaces alongside the  midribs

4. The  mealy bug: may infest fruit and cause irregular spotting.

The Hibiscus or Pink Mealybug  Old pest of our area is  building up from last few years. The worst effect I noted was in

 year 2003 on  kinnows trees where lot of  trees have been killed and whole kinnow area was under threat of extinction.

 Hope it will not immerge again to damage my Kinnow and Mango trees. We were not able to control it by using  all

 available pesticides.

Pest Control

Pesticides. Including insecticides, fungicides, and nematicides, are applied primarily to protect the crop and should therefore

 improve its quality potential. Their effect is also to reduce insect and fungal damage, which detracts from the appearance of

 the crop and increases storage losses. In some cases, for example the development of 'Anthracnose' spotting in mango, it is

 necessary to spray with fungicide during growth even though the disease itself may not be seen until after harvest. By

 removing weed competition, which may impose water stress and mineral stress, herbicides can also have beneficial effects

 on post harvest behaviour. Since all crop protection chemicals are toxic to animals and humans, they must be applied in

 concentrations, which will not allow toxic residues to build-up. A safe period specified by the manufacturers must be left

 between final application and harvest. Produce exported to developed countries is rejected if tests reveal pesticide residues

 above the permitted level. Pruning of old trees may be done to open the canopyInsecticides should not be sprayed at full

 bloom to avoid killing of pollinators.Introduction of beehives in the orchards during flowering season for increasing the

 number of pollinators. The practice of monoculture of a particular variety may be avoided. Hot water treatment for

 controlling stone weevil and fruit fly problems in mango Paclobutrazol 23 SC  For better fruit set to avoid mango

 malformation Dose/ha. 3.75 g – 10 g is used.

FRUIT FLY: The pest  affect the fruit at ripening stage .More loss is done on late vareties.Early rain increase fly growth.

 Fruit fly is best control by keeping mango area clean and removing damage mango from field. Fruit fly can be

 controlled effectively by using Methanol/ Ugenol in traps .Or boprofazine for white fly spray. Best way to manage pest I found

 is to  Use of fruit fly traps consisting of methyl eugenol plus ethyl elcohal 2:3 ratio. soaked cotton. Add  pesticide to kill fly.


The harvest season is usually between June and September in Multan Pakistan depending on variety. Chonsa Mango is available

 after 15th June to end of August. Sindhri Mango is available from the month of 20th May to 20th July. Trees must be in a

 position to produce sufficient quantity of fruits every year.Fruit matures  three to five months after flowering. The best fruit

 production occurs when the weather is dry during the flowering period. Yields are reduced if wind damages the flowers

 during winter storms or if wet weather occurs throughout the flowering season. Mango trees should be protected from

 strong winds, but windbreaks that shade or compete with them should be avoided. Mangos should be picked before they are

 fully ripe, at which time they soften and fall. Fruits are usually picked after they develop some red, orange, or yellow color.

 Mangos will ripen and may be picked when the flesh inside has turned yellow, regardless of exterior color. harvest mango

 when sugar level is 12%.Mango should be washed in very very cold water with 100 ppmsodium hyperchlorite   Before keeping

 in cold store.  Do not store below 10° C 17c and 98% Moisture is the best .Post harvest control of anthracnose is

 accomplished by treatments employed to the fungal infection with hot water alone or with the inclusion of various

 fungicides.To tackle stone weevil and fruit fly which are impediments in export of mangoes.A post harvest hot water

 treatment has given 100% infestation free fruits.To reduce pre harvest losses in mango caused by hoppers, mealybug and

 green scale.Azadirachtin and release of predator, Cryptolaemus   montrouzieri.Shoot gall psylla, a serious pest of mango

 could be effectively managed with three sprays of quinalphos (0.05%) starting from 1st week of August followed by 3

 application of 2,4-D (80 ppm)  starting from gall appearance stage at 10 days interval.Hot water treatment along with 1%

 sodium chloride effectively controlled post-harvest diseases in mango. The fruit bruises easily and must be handled carefully

 to avoid damage. They are ripened at room temperature and then refrigerated. Mature mangos keep fairly well under

 refrigeration for two to three weeks at 50 to 55F.Storage conditions for Mngo: Temperature range (oC)1 - 10 Relative

 humidity range (%)85 - 90 Storage time2 - 3 wk Short term temperature (oC)13. Mango 15o C is the best temp. to store.Raw

 mango consists of about 81.7% water, 17%  carbohydrate,0.5% protein, 0.3% fat, and 0.5% ash. A 100 g (3.5 oz) serving of

 raw mango has 65 calories and about half the vitamin C found in oranges. Mango contains more vitamin A than most fruits.


Nutrition Chart Mango/1 cup slices

 1. Calories..107 .Total fat (g) ..0.5- 2.Saturated fat (g)..0.1.- 3.Vitamin B6 (mg)..0.2 -4.Carbohydrate (g)..o .

5.Monounsaturated fat (g)..0.1-6.Polyunsaturated fat (g)..0.1.-7.Dietary fiber (g..3-.8. Protein (g)..1-.

. -10. Beta-carotene (mg)..3.-10 Vitamin C (mg)..1.9.-11.Vitamin E (mg)..1.9.-12. Cholesterol



 Mango Links to Related Sites    Pakistan web site

All About Mangoes :  

Mango Information: Linked from NewCrops, Purdue University.

Insects of Hawaii- GOOGLE IMAGE INDEX   


Featured Creatures - Search by Common Name Largest mango recipe guide.  mango price in India




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