Pierre s.n.c.

Since you're here, I suppose you're interested about my job. I'm a young programmer and designer. About my job as a designer, I'll talk to you later. To write my programs, I use Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise, Visual C++ 4.2 Professional and MASM6.11. I usually integrate parts written with the various programming languages depending on what I have to write. Visual Basic is suggested for light applications and for programs that I have to write in a short time, due to its ease of use. Visual C++ is used when I have to write something very fast of very heavy for the machine running it. It's very hard to use, compared to Visual Basic, but there is a big difference in application's speed. I use Assembly only when I really have to write ultra-high-speed applications, because Assembly gives you total control of the processor but takes a very long time to write a complete application.

At the moment, I'm working on three diferent projects.

1. An EECad. It will be a complete package, composed by:

It's something more than 18 months I'm working on it and I'll begin writing code before summer. I finished the primary analisys of the project, decided file formats, data manipulation and many other things.

2. A program which calculates inerthia moments, static inerthia moments, Wf and Torsion resistance for default or user-defined section. The program starts proposing the user 48 different types of section, starting from a simple circular one, arriving to complex soldered multi-part sections. Then, the user chooses the section he wants to work on and puts its dimensions into dedicated text fields. After that, the user presses "Start calculations" and when the program finishes manipulating data, it returns section's parameters the user needed. A nice thing is that, while inserting dimensions, the program draws a scaled section. In this way, the user can control the proportions of the pieces forming the section, checking if the data inserted is correct. Finally, the user can print a scaled quoted drawing of the section, including the list of section's parameter.

3. A program which lets the user to choose between a wide range of trucks and cranes and then to put a crane on a truck. The program visually lets the user to pick a crane and to move it along truck's chassis. While doing this, the program tells the user to exact position of the crane starting measuring it both from front wheels and read wheels. Then, the programs evaluates if truck's chassis can withstand the weight of crane and its charge and eventually the section and size of the reinforcement the chassis needs.

As a designer, I don't use a Cad CAM yet. I'm looking to various packages, and expecially at Bentley's Microstation and Intergraph's Solid Edge 2.
By the way: if you use a Cad CAM package, I'd like you to tell me something about it. Thanx in advance.

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