#Salleh's_Place News and World Events
As stated earlier, due to the fact that it takes some time to upload material to
this site, some of the current world events are not exactly "very recent". We will make updates
regularly as time permits (actually, when the site designer gets off his lazy butt and actually
makes changes). We uphold the belief that knowledge raises individuals from the unwashed
heathens in today's society.
Old Guestbook
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* too full
Salleh's Place
October 4th 1998
September 29th 1998
Mr Fantastic Awards:
December 18th 1999
Buka Puasa Gathering:
December 27th 1999
January 10th 2000
Voting Booth:
A very long time ago:
Inventor Grog Simmons, famed for creating the wheel died tragically last night during an
attempt "to fly like the birds".
A long long time ago:
A pioneering caveman has made a discovery that will potentially change the lives of everybody.
Thag Micheals has discovered fire.
"Information is the strongest weapon there is"- anonymous.
New Guestbook
main page
channel info
the guide
mr fantastic
dear def
#Salleh's_Place Announcements
Anyone who would like to submit a URL for addition to our links page may do so to the channel
Voting for Mr November and subsequent awardees will be done via e-mail. A special page will be
set up for the purpose of selection. More news will be forthcomming.
Any user who wishes to submit photos for display on this site may do so to any of the channel
A small gathering of Salleh's regulars (both Undernet and DALnet) and a few mamakians
More pictures will be put up. Revamping needs to be done, need more people in the graphics
department. Finalists for the Hunk of The Millenium coming up soon.
A voting booth for the People of Salleh's Place has been put up. Be a responsible citizen of
#Salleh's_Place. Begin your votes !
[ http://www.freevote.com/booth/sallehsplace ]
World Events
Simmons, covered in feathers leaped from the top of That Big Cliff and fell to his doom. The
inventor was airborne for less than 10 seconds.
"The experiment was not a total failure," said Ugg Jones, Simmons's assistant. "Grog did fly
for few seconds and all we need to do now is to see if we cant make it last longer. We are also
absolutely certain now that the feathers are to keep the bloody birds warm."
Critics claim that they were not surprised at the tragic outcome. Hugga McLachlan said that it
was a scientific fact that men will never have the ability to fly. "This notion that men will
conquer the skies is mere fantasy."
This new discovery means that cavemen everywhere will be warm during the comming ice age and
not, as doomsayers warn: "freeze our butts to the great cave in the sky".
Micheals is currently examining the effects of fire on mammoth meat and sources reveal that
early results are encouraging."Those damn things taste a whole lot better now," revealed the
When asked to comment on his historic discovery, Thag Micheals has this to say: "Owch! Hot!
Hot! Hot!"