The music playing is "Wheels"

You are about to enter my world. Even those closest to me, my loved ones and my dearest of friends are less priviledged than you at this moment. All who enter my pages here will get a glimpse of my passions; it is a part of my inner soul revealed that few come to know.

Take your time and enjoy your visit. Since I have used a number of pictures to enhance my pages, some of these pages may take a while to load. Please be patient. If you find you are unable to scroll to the bottom of the page, hit REFRESH or RELOAD. A picture is worth a thousand words. And, hey, I am in the process of adding music, which I love so very much, to my pages. :)This is me. :) I hope you enjoy the varied beats as much as I do. Most of the midis are quick loading, however, there is the odd one that plays up to five minutes and these take a while to download. There are a couple with voice, which takes a little longer, but well worth the wait. The pages on which these occur are a longer read, as well.

At the end of each page you will have the opportunity to return to my first page of contents, which follows this page. On subsequent pages there will be sub-titles listed and opportunities to carry on to other articles that I hope you will find as interesting and as exciting as I did when they were a part of my present.
I have targeted the subpages on specific contents pages in order to make surfing my site easier for you. Windows will appear on the contents page allowing you to view the files within and still keeping the contents page open; simply clicking on the X of the targeted window will close off the file and allow another to be opened.

I truly enjoy surfing the Net, reading the many pages and learning about you and your interests. Please leave your URL in my guestbook so that I may visit you. Access to my guestbook, I hope, is on every page. Due to the large volume of pages, the odd one may have been missed.

All the graphics you will find within this site were either incorporated from ClipArt, or found during my travels throughout "www". I have wherever possible placed a link to the author of the graphic on the corresponding page. Many "were" not copyrighted, but if you should come across one that you know is, please advise me HERE and I will place credit where credit is due. Thank you.

A very special thank you goes to Everyone who has provided the many superb backgrounds and pictures. You must spend some time with them. Their pages will "pop" up in a separate window. To come back to this site, just click on the upper right X of that window.

Now, Ahead To My


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